MovieChat Forums > Hybrid66 > Posts
Hybrid66's Posts
I doubt that even Yanks wouldn't childishly scream out "Hammer Down" in WW2?
Talentless closeted wankers
Marion: Was he a homosexual?
Prequel:- "Expendables: For God's sakes don't commission that shit!"
Beautiful and talented
Mental, talentless and trailer trash...
How long before
He is part-black, he was born...
Incredible acting by Coogan, but omitted so much about the famous, the Police and other 'authorities'
Lincoln was as racist as most Americans in US of Apartheid
Stunning women
Will there, or should there, be more episodes?
Hey Baaaallldy!
Any good?
National Socialists WERE Socialists, as Hitler himself said...
Attention-whore, ''sells'' sex to gain votes.
Sheffield's Council Estates could do with this happening...
Trump-ers? Old Farts? Or just full of shit?
Unconvincing 'lead' actor, confusing montages and boring
Sabine is an arrogant, immature silly c*nt that needs slapping