Hybrid66's Posts

As a Bowie fan, no thanks The greatest band in pop/rock history At the expense of men = "not sexist"! This franchise has now gone full black without Stallone Old Don is as useless as... Protected by higher-level pedophiles and their 'rings' So what if the actress wasn't full-Native? John bigot Wayne wasn't Ghengis Khan... Who the fuck wants a cuddly alien? The cure for arachnids is a flame thrower Could he play a white man? Most famous women seem to be bitchy crybabies America bans tons of books anyway! A Woman is NOT some biological fraud? Keep up the free speech and independent opinions, JK... How woke is this film? Almost fell for her as Tauriel As thick (ie. retarded) as pigshit...... perhaps even thicker? Casino (1995) describing the fat, orange pedo? Cage's odd reaction inside that killer's house? DeNiro was talking about the Fat, Orange Trump?