Hybrid66's Posts

Oh no- Not Butler again Great premise, but waaaay too PC and pulled it's punches. A final, third film to compliment Goodfellas and Casino? Retarded beast attacks on the Mandalorian's beach/cave? This. was. SHIT Gladiator has a few Has the fat orange molester been hauled into the courts for pedophilia with his executed buddy, Epstein, yet? What a shit film- it didn't go anywhere or know what it wanted to be? Couldn't be made nowadays .. the rainbow-haired extremists stole our humour. Violence isn't ALWAYS the man's fault... Why didn't BBC pick this up after Goldcrest collapsed? Why does she always dress like a cheap slut? Kathy's weird reaction to criticism of her photographs? 1900, not 300... Why do gayboys on here comment about her NON-tits? Overdose of Estrogen... Americans: Language question, please? Where are her breasts? Ringo's drumming was NOT ''bad''