KingsRule's Replies

I take it you're not a fan.... I love their album Oracular Spectacular but they aren't very good live. I've probably seen ANH and ESB about 15 times and ROTJ about twice that. I love endings. How many did your parents smoke? YouTube his name.... There are videos of him confronting smokers in public. Red Dragon. I love Nirvana. I thought they were a brilliant band and were also awesome live. They are one of the bands I would have loved to have been able to see live but I was too young when they were active. I am also a huge fan of Dave Grohl as a drummer. I loved their album Toxicity but don't know much of their other material. What do you mean it's fake? I'd say 6.8 is within the "good" range. If you don't mind me asking, who is Jim? Well, I think you are technically right. From memory there were chatzy rooms created by IMDb members, so yeah, the chatroom I was in wasn't an actual official IMDb board. I posted on IMDb from around 2006 until they closed. You're not tempted? Isn't that what the board's Friday and Saturday Zoom meeting is for? I'm not very active on here but ShogunOfYonkers mentioned it earlier in this thread. Not sure what you mean...? It would just be a chatroom, like a live message board. Really? That's cool that you guys have that sort of online community where you actually have Zoom calls. I might just attend one soon. :) I know, it was a long time ago. It ran for many years and was quite good fun. Not quite sure whatever happened to it. I used to be in an IMDb chatroom about 10 years ago and it was quite nice to talk in real time to other film lovers. Of course but the more deeply ingrained beliefs, the more difficult it is to convince a person to alter those beliefs. True Romance (I know he was only the writer, but still) Pulp Fiction Django Unchained Hi, has your daughter seen this: I found it particularly scary when I watched it growing up.