MartyMoose1977's Posts

Mike Judge teamed up with Creator of Scavengers Reign to make a new show! Circus Maximus scene was the Greatest Race scene in Cinema History! Cailee Spaeny that played character named "Rain" in 2016 voice acted a character named "Rain". Mandrake knows the security code to call back the bombers. Quentin Tarantino's Video Archive Podcast is featuring this Movie on next weeks show. Did Tarantino get the name of Jack Rabbit Slims from the Racetrack Jack Rabbit Speedway? English Dub is really bad but pretty good zombie flick. So Many Referances to Terrorists and 911!!! Horse, Crypt or Nazi Zombie Beast? Should of Marketed is spiritual successor of HBO Rome. There Will Be Blood (2007) borrowed so much from this Citizen Kane. Was the villain Harry Powell asexual, Pedophile or Gay? Quentin Tarantino Recommended this today on Club Random Podcast. Alien Franchise should be handed back over to James Cameron. This is the best movie ever created to teach todays generations how terrible living in 1970 really was. Was George Miller inspired by Sidney Portier's "The Long Ships" (1964) in scene Immortan Joe sacrifices a Warboy? Kathy Ertz character "The Fiancee" actress Diane Kruger is real Polyglot. This is the Greatest Werner Herzog Movie he never made.