MovieChat Forums > Five Easy Pieces (1970) Discussion > This is the best movie ever created to t...

This is the best movie ever created to teach todays generations how terrible living in 1970 really was.

Everybody looks bored all the time. Especially Jack Nicholson and Dipesto. That poor women spent 2 weeks in a Hotel alone with nothing to do except watch TV that had 3 channels with commercials. No computer, no smart phones not even an Atari 2600 would be around for another 7 years! No wonder she was suicidal!

Only thing that was cool was I love the style of clothing they wore. Beers had those peel off caps you had to find a place to throw it like a cigerratte butt. Many men would peel it off and throw it in the beer before they drank it. This actually killed people as a choking hazard. I also loved the look of all the cars.

Only home entertainment other than TV was record player and Radio. Newspaper/Books/Magazines were available as well of course.

We do see them go bowling and partying. They could of also went to see Movies of course. Boring time to be around unless you got sent to Vietnam.


It wasn’t boring at the time if you were there! Although I don’t think you’re being completely serious…..just look at the news of those days. It was NOT boring believe me!

As far as no smartphones etc., ya don’t miss what you never had. And I could argue it was less boring without all the depressing distracting crap around nowadays. People actually……talked! Kids actually…..played!

Think about this: every human ever has always lived in the most, modern advanced age ever, since at the time they were alive that’s what it was. 1500’s, 1800’s, 1970’s, early 2000’s before cell phones….every human always thinks, and has, the most modern tech ever and looks back at the past as a simpler, less educated boring period.


I recall thinking having it made as a kid with our technology. My father grew up in the later 50's early 60's in a house that didn't even have a TV Set. They rented one on the Holidays and watched the Honeymooners in Black and White. The First TV my family had when I was a kid was a 17inch Color TV we already owned it when I was born in late 70's. in 1981 my dad bought me a Mattel Intellivision and I thought it was the coolest thing ever invented. In 1983 I got an Atari 2600 for Christmas and I loved both consoles but my favorite games were on the Atari. My dad bought us our first Computer in 1984 the Colecovision ADAM Computer.

Games for all the consoles I had were fun but they were only play for best high score type of games. The First RPG type of game I ever played was Zelda on NES. Getting the maps from Nintendo Power or Zelda was like finding a Pirates Hidden treasure map. Nintendo games are the oldest consoles though that are just as fun as todays games despite the simple graphics. I can pull out NES games and my kids will happily play Tecmo Superbowl with me but I NEVER could get them to play any Intellivision/2600/Colecovision game with me. I didn't have Internet until I was living on my own as a 23 year old man in 2000. I had Roadrunner Internet and an AMD Athlon Computer and played Counterstrike 24/7.

As I get older I barely play videogames anymore now that my reflexes have slowed down. I can't be competitive anymore and if I can't compete for the best I'm not interested in playing. Now I enjoy movies more than games. Kids have it so good today but they are paralyzed by how many games to choose from. When I was a kid we go to Toys R Us on either my or my brothers birthday and pick out an NES game which they had around 50 to choose from and at home we'd have around 30 games in my NES Collection. It made choosing much easier. Anyway here is to good times and Cheers!


You’re definitely a little younger, from a later period than myself. We actually had the original Atari and when it came out it was fun but the games were easy to master.
When the more role playing type games showed up I was too old and too busy living life.

I wonder if I would’ve gotten into Zelda etc. but I just don’t know. I liked sports a lot more and if I couldn’t get good at a video game quickly……I was done with it!
No patience just wasn’t worth the time and trouble.

But my kids loved them on Nintendo and especially Zelda


I had 2 younger brothers and between them and my friends it was sports all day and video games all night during the summer. in Wisconsin Winters we had many days being stuck inside playing games all day though. I played Baseball/Basketball for my High School teams and if I had my way it would have continued though college.

In 1987 my cousin got a Nintentedo and when I played Super Mario Bro. video games were never the same. After that all the Atari/Intellivision/colecovision looked like baby toys. Sounds like you just missed out on the NES/Genesis era which was a great time to be a kid. Cheers!


Not entirely true. Sometimes societies backslide, and of course some societies are much more advanced technologically than others.
