MovieChat Forums > SpiritualLiar > Replies
SpiritualLiar's Replies
<blockquote> chalk it up as another failure for the worse President and Businessman</blockquote>
Um, sorry Forrest, but Trump is living in your head. So why would he be charging you? If he's living in <b>your head</b>, then he's supposed to be paying you rent, and that makes you the failed landlord you pathetic gimp. You just accidentally labelled yourself the "worse" businessman in American history, without realising it. Perhaps you should just kill yourself.
<blockquote>If Trump can't charge me for living rent free </blockquote>
I don't think it's possible for anyone to charge someone for something that's free. See, something's either free or it's got a price. It can't be both. That's called "mutually exclusive". You know, like freedom & happiness can't go together with ISISlam. They just don't go together. You can't have both at the same time.
"How much is the free thing?"
That doesn't work.
As we're aware from your <B>TEN THOUSAND POSTS</B>, you have an extremely shoddy, if non-existent relationship with logic, and you can't even type a short one or two sentence post without giving poor old Uncle Logic a massive pummelling, and generally sounding like George W. Bush after a couple of 6-packs of Coors and a joint.
<blockquote>Because it is being <b>generally recognized</b> that Donald Trump was an authoritarian fascist determined </blockquote>
"Generally recognized"
really... hahaha! Oh really? so if I asked some grandma walking across the street whether she thought Trump was a fascist, she's say the same hilariously sophomoric campus-style rant that you just said, would she? hahahah. "Generally recognized"...actually it's "recognized" only amongst utter Commie lunatics like you, who spend all day on the internet talking about Trump your <b>ENTIRE life!</b>
Even if you prompted members of "the general public" to say that, and gave them a script in advance they still wouldn't be able to talk in the ridiculous way you do. Not with a straight face!
<blockquote>When your own generals are afraid you are going to take over the military</blockquote>
So wait a minute... you would think it was "FARUUUURURURSCIIIIST" if Trump had "taken control" of the army which he was ELECTED TO CONTROL (it's called COMMANDER IN CHIEF you total dipshit). Is that correct Forrest?
But if the unelected generals had overthrown him with no mandate or electoral backing that would have been "democratic"? That's how backwards, twisted and hysterically stupid you are. Everything you say is completely. Fuck. Tarded. And backwards.
Momentarily sidestepping the fact that your worldview and understanding of the word "fascist" is upside down and inside out:
Since say our claims of voter fraud were "unsubstantiated", can you point to any real evidence that the generals thought Trump was "unstable" or they were planning to "deal with him" (which of course wouldnt have been fascist at all for them to topple an elected leader!!) Or was it just something made up during a drinking session by a self-loathing hack who wrote for the NYT or Rolling Stone! Hahaha! Otherwise that's unsubstantiated (unlike your need to employ the services of the Swiss company Diginitas)
<blockquote>Who decided you get to make up a false criteria?</blockquote>
If you can't tell us what the "real" criteria is, even after 5 straight years of using the word fascist every single day of your life... then why would anyone take you seriously?
You've used it day after day after day for years, and you quibble with other peoples definition of the word but without providing your own definition.
So therefore there is absolutely no conclusion other than you just like that it "sounds scary". That's all there is to it, you sad, ISIS-swooning little geek.
Oh right. This is one of those times when Trump supporters are "laughable".
Then they go back to being scary again. Does your schizophrenia have, like, a timetable or are the fluctuations just completely random?
Islam's not a good topic for you huh?
You'd rather talk about absolutely *anything* else in the world? You'd rather spend 72 hours debating athlete's foot than ISISlam. Right?
Why is it the only time you mention Islamic extremism is when you're trying to compare US conservatives to them? Shows how hilariously out of date you are that you said "Taliban", nobody thought about them for freaking years until they started taking over again a couple of weeks ago. You are totally stuck in 2001, I always see horrendous leftie nerds saying "heh, like, heh, taliban, and like, heh, stuff".
<blockquote>It had done nothing good, and that <b>fascist</b> minority </blockquote>
yes, we get it, you like saying words you dont understand but "sound scary", such as fascist. You love saying it every single day (which isnt suspicious or revealing at all).
As I've asked before in this board... can you tell us which of Donald Trump's policies or actions most closely resembles Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia... can you tell us? Please point the policy out.
There aren't any extremist preachers in America? Is that you just said?
I think the most important part that annoyed you the most was when I said how you have a fetish for wifebeating weirdos in white. That's the most important part.
Jeez, that must bring the total number of non-octogenarians who have died from COVID to about TEN now huh? Wow. Shocking!
By the way dude, there are Muslims in both America and Europe who have the same opinions and beliefs as the Taliban.
Why do you want rioters to be locked up but you haven't called for those imams and preachers to be locked up? is it because you have a pathetic juvenile worship for wife-beating cavemen who go around in stupid white robes? is that it?
If he was so unpopular, why did the Dems have to show up at the poll-counting stations at 3am with boxes of freshly printed fake Joe Biden votes? <b>Hundreds of thousands of them.</b>
And why do Facebook and Twitter have to completely censor all those who point out this fact?
Why do you need to suppress dissent if it's a severe minority?
Nothing you say survives the slightest inspection.
No more posting from you, little boy. Thanks.
How's it going spending every single day of your life here throwing lame insults out like that one
What do you tell your folks you've been doing when you're sitting at the Thanksgiving table?
<blockquote>It takes days to repair it.</blockquote>
And he's "repairing it" by stumbling around forgetting his words, hitting on little girls and just generally being a fucking giant dope who's good for nothing?
You didnt even explain how Trump supposedly "crashed" America.
The only crash was the impact on your pathetic ego and feelings when he won against your expectations in 2016.
The Dems know how delicate you are so they cooked up a nice 15 million fake votes last November to make sure you wouldn't have to endure that devastation a second time. The devastation of knowing how wrong you are about everything, especially your pathetic attachment to the vile death cult of ISISlam. The majority of the American people do not share your mentally ill and pitiful, rotten belief that sucking up to cavemen makes you somehow "sophisticated", okay kiddo?
Either grow a brain and grow some balls or stop talking.
Fantastic. You are exactly the kind of slimy, sad geek who is lame enough to even care about his existence.
<blockquote>" feel the need to Lie about other people's motivations"</blockquote>
I didn't "lie", you're pathetic.
If I lied, can you tell me what the supposed "true" motivations are for your brand of lunacy? Please go ahead...
<blockquote>Jesus H. Christ, when did SOOOO MANY people become so ill-equipped to handle life?</blockquote>
When "liberals" made life suck, by promoting trans lunatics to the top of society and also demanding that we worship frothing-mouth Jihadis and let tons of "refugees" into our countries who want to blow us up.
It's not average people's fault (or athletes fault) that they have "mental health" issues, it's the leftist extremists fault and its the fault of the "mainstream" media for playing so many stupid mind games and causing division, with their refusal to accept Trump's victory in the first place back in 2016.
The left causes life to be full of confusion mental disarray and cognitive dissonance. It's their fault the world is so weak and bad, not the fault of normal every day people.
<blockquote>You may say I'm a commie
but I'm not the only one
And someday you will join us
Or we'll shoot you in the face</blockquote>
it's a really dark time when a <b>CHRISTIAN</b> parody website is funnier than anything The Onion has done in years.
The thread creator is just "trolling". In the most obvious way. You are a huge dope.
Why didnt you answer my question in the other thread?
About why we should believe one woman about Brett Kavanagh but we shouldnt believe all those people about the election.
Ya sad fucktard
Ted Cruz? hilarious you truly do live in 2015 dont you
So no, Rob O'Neill is not "on your side" (whoever or whatever that is)
If Kavanaugh is a rapist because one woman said he is, why dont you believe the election was a fraud, which was stated by multiple people who were there in the voting rooms (and they said so in sworn court documents)