Because it is being generally recognized that Donald Trump was an authoritarian fascist determined
"Generally recognized"
really... hahaha! Oh really? so if I asked some grandma walking across the street whether she thought Trump was a fascist, she's say the same hilariously sophomoric campus-style rant that you just said, would she? hahahah. "Generally recognized"...actually it's "recognized" only amongst utter Commie lunatics like you, who spend all day on the internet talking about Trump your
ENTIRE life!
Even if you prompted members of "the general public" to say that, and gave them a script in advance they still wouldn't be able to talk in the ridiculous way you do. Not with a straight face!
When your own generals are afraid you are going to take over the military
So wait a minute... you would think it was "FARUUUURURURSCIIIIST" if Trump had "taken control" of the army which he was ELECTED TO CONTROL (it's called COMMANDER IN CHIEF you total dipshit). Is that correct Forrest?
But if the unelected generals had overthrown him with no mandate or electoral backing that would have been "democratic"? That's how backwards, twisted and hysterically stupid you are. Everything you say is completely. Fuck. Tarded. And backwards.
Momentarily sidestepping the fact that your worldview and understanding of the word "fascist" is upside down and inside out:
Since say our claims of voter fraud were "unsubstantiated", can you point to any real evidence that the generals thought Trump was "unstable" or they were planning to "deal with him" (which of course wouldnt have been fascist at all for them to topple an elected leader!!) Or was it just something made up during a drinking session by a self-loathing hack who wrote for the NYT or Rolling Stone! Hahaha! Otherwise that's unsubstantiated (unlike your need to employ the services of the Swiss company Diginitas)