Our side got Bin Laden; your side gave a Chump
And your side let Bin Laden go to live 10 more years after 9/11
And your side let Bin Laden go to live 10 more years after 9/11
"Our side"?
Are you telling me Rob O'Neill was a Democrat? he never looked like one to me. I bet you don't even know who that is.
On October 14, 2020, US President Donald Trump re-tweeted an unfounded conspiracy theory that suggested Osama bin Laden was still alive and a body double was shot. O'Neill responded with a series of tweets, including "It was not a body double".
So let's see about your side:
Your side doesn't believe President Biden beat the former guy by over 7 million votes.
Your side doesn't believe Bin Laden is dead.
Your side believes Covid is a hoax.
Am I missing anything?
So no, Rob O'Neill is not "on your side" (whoever or whatever that is)
shareAlmost everything that Donald Trump has ever said has been a lie ... statisticians put the number in the 70% lies categories. That this criminal was President is all we need to know to understand why America is so screwed up. And I don't think any of our elections have been honest they have all been manipulated by the backing financiers of the Republican party who also own and control a lot of Democrats.
True. Well definitely Mansion and Cinema. But it's like Father Merrin said in The Exorcist:"The Devil is a liar, but he mixes lies with the truth". And when Father Karras asks "Why this girl (or in our case why the former guy" "I think the point is to make us lose hope".
But so far we beat the Devil!
Why didnt you answer my question in the other thread?
About why we should believe one woman about Brett Kavanagh but we shouldnt believe all those people about the election.
Ya sad fucktard
OMG you're so stupid. The dems wanted an investigation to find out if Blasey-Ford was telling the truth.
The repubs did their little half-assed inquiry and told dems to piss off.
We've done recount after recount after recount looking for voter fraud, and now Trumptards are doing audit after audit to look for it.
If you count all the man hours of all the individuals involved, the Trumpists have investigated the 2020 election more than the FBI investigated Trump for collusion, but still probably less than what was spent on Hillary's emails.
You are one miserable person. That you can't ask a supposedly honest question w/o some awful tacked on ridiculously stupid attack, ... who would ever take you seriously?
shareAdmittedLiar ur fugged up. All ur base base belong to us. https://youtu.be/jQE66WA2s-A?t=16
shareIn AD 2021, war was beginning.
shareYour side has turned into bootlicking idiots. Go rage for the machine.
The only "bootlicking idiots" are Trump supporters of the Ted Cruz and Rudy Guilianni type - all Republicans.
shareTed Cruz? hilarious you truly do live in 2015 dont you
shareBrux is the #1 American here. Republicans are big government scum. Democrats - Biden are for the American people.
shareBoth are dependent on the same sources for their money, and it has been reported fairly often that when Democrats get too Democratty that their money sources get threatened - so they talk a lot of sweetness and light but very little action or change comes from it ... in fact, none for 50 years or so.
shareHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Good job trying to sound like an unhinged, kook leftist!! I salute you!!
shareWho is Chump?
share"our side"
"your side"
I bet you complain about Republicans being closed minded and divisive too. *facepalm*
"I bet you complain about Republicans being closed minded and divisive too."
They are passing laws to prevent Americans from voting. That's not only divisive, it's Deep State fascism.
"They are passing laws to prevent Americans from voting."
Not if you have an ID.
" it's Deep State fascism."
You mean like a vaccine passports or employers forcing people to put something in their bodies they don't want?
First there is no such thing as a Deep State accept in the minds of delusional conspiracy theorists. But you said employers are behind it. Can you be more specific?
shareI think you might be confusing two different people's posts. I was quoting and responding to TriumhReq.
As far as employers requiring the vaccine, several have:
OBL died in 2001. It was widely reported around the world.
shareSince Barack oboma binladen was s Muslim. It was more of an honor killing.
You cannot even compare the 2 sides.
Your side want to defund the military, add critical race theory into the military.
Your side has a million rules of engagement. Cannot shoot unless shot at out someone is hit.
Your side created ISIS, 8 years of ISIS until trump got rid of them the 1st few months.
Trump was the only one to use the moab .
In reality America's enemies and those in competition with America are thrilled to have Biden and KAMALA in control. Because they will never listen to such buffoons...now is Iran's chance to step up it nuclear program, now its time for north Korea.
It's time for the Taliban
Again the comparisons are not even close...Democrats are a wack pack of circus freaks who have no idea what they are doing
You should really consider talking to someone, and by someone I mean a mental health professional.
shareDo you really think that bathhouse barry was sat in the oval office night after night analizing data, and planing all this?!!!! this had been in the works for years, bathhouse just happened to be the whitehouse when this happened.
the guy who put bullets in bin ladens head, bill oneil is a republican who has worked for fox news.