TriumphReq's Replies

Since that's so obvious this is probably a troll question. This has got to be either the most history ignorant question or trolling. First of all, the title: Immigration isn't a "virtue" it is an action. Don't you idiots know English at all? "who have zero interest in fixing the problems they created" You could say the same for all the whites that came to the US and now they have spread their landowning capitalist problem worldwide. We are all enslaved to it. Food, land and clean water was free once, now thanks to the English it isn't. You've never even left the country. Just putting you on ignore now because you're a pest. Well glad you finally attempt to clarify that after other posters thought you were gay too. So my original question was, did you ask this question in the interest of emulating him? Having gone in the first place made no sense. Keelai how hell are you a liberal towing the neocon line that the Taliban are "terrorists?" They are just a despotic regime like the one in Myanmar like the kind of people RandallGraves supports. If the government wants to defeat them they have to play a bit of chess. You're an idiot. I'm a policy maker you fucking shit for brains. In this situation I'd get hired. Cyberbrucy you're back! Thought you were done with this! You're bi or gay but wanting to know from other men whether you should kiss Brad Cooper or not is definitely not hetero. I wonder why this disturbs you so much? Oh geee there skipper you won the internet. I was calling you the shit for brains, that still stands. You are a shitforbrains. Something tells me he's a 15-25 year old adolescent who barely graduated high school. Don't take him seriously. Hmm he's not exactly what you'd call monogamous is he? To be honest I feel kinda sorry that he can't keep a woman around that long. I wrote you were the shit for brains. Stupidity doesn't go any further than RandallGraves. I love the attention you give me. I am so flattered. You're off topic. The White Male Incel that Killed 6 In Terrorist Attack was a Rightist. I'm still waiting for you to answer if you ever left the country. Well the US should play chess a bit better. Neither stay nor go. They are too robotic. They are fighting a guerilla war and still thinking Vietnam war tactics. I wrote you were the shit for brains. Stupidity doesn't go any further than RandallGraves. No you call yourself that Brucy. Your question is scorchingly, flamingly, gay as all get out. Alright there but you're still very legitimately gay. So have you ever been outside of your country? I'm guessing you haven't have you or you'd answer. You can't answer a single question. Have you ever been outside of your country? Fruitcake, so now you love the media? vitamin D is not going to protect you from Covid. But I'm looking forward to your catching it. Funny.