MovieChat Forums > Politics > I'll never understand why immigration is...

I'll never understand why immigration is a virtue

People from latin america or the islamic world, who have zero interest in fixing the problems they created, get a suitcase, leave, and then come to another country to generally live of the state. whys that some great noble virtue we should all respect?


Somebody said the same about your immigrant ancestors.


What was their name ?


Because Dummycrats want to replace U.S. citizens with illegals.


Native-Americans never gave permission for your ancestors to be in the U.S., therefore they were illegal.


Since that's so obvious this is probably a troll question.


No-one gave Genghis Khan permission to maraud over Europe or the Yamnaya before that. The history of the world is littered with instances of people invading and taking over other people's land. There is nothing unique about what happened to Native American Indians.


Yeah there is, because there are none left. Genghis Khan didn't commit genocide. Europeans are still there. The only extant descendants of the Mongols that are left in Europe are in Kalmykia - the only Buddhist republic in Europe.

Yet you head south of the border to Mexico and most of the population there is Native. The Spanish didn't genocide them like the English did.


You are an idiot.


It's obvious you were just schooled. Your response was pathetic which makes you the idiot.


You are a well known idiot. Maybe TriumphReq is one of your sock puppets. The similarities are obvious.


Nah! Can't you tell by the number of my posts I'm not changing my username? Same one I created for IMDB.

You're an entitled putz to believe anyone would create sock puppets because of you.


And you are a fake persona on top of it all. A real piece of work.


This has got to be either the most history ignorant question or trolling.

First of all, the title: Immigration isn't a "virtue" it is an action. Don't you idiots know English at all?

"who have zero interest in fixing the problems they created"

You could say the same for all the whites that came to the US and now they have spread their landowning capitalist problem worldwide. We are all enslaved to it. Food, land and clean water was free once, now thanks to the English it isn't.


The general idea is that getting out in the first place is rather difficult and that our wealth is so great that we shouldn't hesitate to share it with those who wish to come to the promised land. Of course, the reality is that the promised land is mostly filled with upper middle class people who think donating to charity and not opposing welfare laws is all they need to do to keep America the promised land. Worse is that those upper middle classers think nothing of cutting out the jobs the immigrants would work and fully embrace automation as the way of the future.

America has a massive class problem, and rather than share our wealth and prosperity we pretend that anti-progressive laws that hide how badly our poor populations are doing while still preaching the American Dream (thus encouraging more people to come here and be subjected to horrible living conditions and a shrinking job market that many people supporting immigration are actively encouraging, even making fun of the people who would work those jobs insisting those people should magically get enough money to afford a decent education.)

Don't forget about the crimes against humanity that the United States has committed either, like Operation PBSuccess, where we overthrew a democratically elected official and replaced him with a militaristic dictator because a dictator would suit our interests better. The idea is to own up to our mistakes and not blame nations being placed under a dictatorship supported by the U.S. Military for their problems when WE are the direct problem with these nations.

I agree with America First because we're fully ignoring our class problem. Middle class people complaining about billionaires is hilarious, you folks are so rich you can afford to live in the city in decent apartments. Gentrification is a major issue and even D.C. passed gentrification laws forbidding poor people music from driving away those middle class people who have all the money.

Before we even talk about immigration, we need to fix our class warfare issues and admit we're actively working against poor people and the whole "let the government fix it" attitude that has been adopted ignores the role of the middle class to be passing money down the chain. Shutting retail stores down cuts out the middle man, who are usually poor people who can't get any other job. Smartphones are a luxury, just bragging about how the government gives out free phones doesn't change this... and as more attacks on small businesses happen by creating these independent contractors (even more so allowing megacompanies to get super wealthy by skipping all the laws meant to protect the poor people who actually hold those jobs).

The issue is our greedy middle class and how they'll buy from the cheapest dealer rather than support their local community.


to be fair based off our first exchange you do not seem to comprehend many things. You claimed to study virology, when pressed you went silent. You spread lies and misinformation about how vaccines work. Then without evidence you claimed peer reviewed studies were fraudulent. You do not seem to understand many things

also in which way did a person born in 1990 cause the problem of the Taliban being well armed extremists with lots of power, because the USA red them in the 1980s and helped them get that strong?

Or heck a 50 year old baker in a village that is now under control of the taliban? what at 50 hes supposed to rally his village of 20 people to fight the 100k strong Taliban?


Who said that immigration is "some great noble virtue" and that "we should all respect" it?
Sounds like a false argument to me. On the other hand someone whose country is so messed
up, thanks to a group taking over like the Taliban or the Republicans, who has to leave everything
they know and loved behind, most of their memories and friends and family, and start completely
over - often in a place with different weather and a different language ... that takes a lot of
courage. That is worthy of some respect don't you think? If not, why not?


I would have more respect for Afghanistan if the 300,000 well armed and trained ( by America and it's allies over the past twenty years ) soldiers had stood and fought for their country against the 75,000 Taliban fighters instead of throwing their guns down and running away or defecting. You would call that cowardice or even a conspiracy wouldn't you ? If not why not ?


Destruction of the Western world is a virtue to some. They expect it to be a virtue to all or you are a RACIST.


These morons don't realise that they are killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
