MovieChat Forums > Politics > Fully vaccinated flight attendant dies f...

Fully vaccinated flight attendant dies from Covid 19

Wow the vaxx works so well


Ugh. Dailymail is the British tabloid like the enquirer.

So Randy, you've changed your position now from the virus is fake to now the vaccine is fake. If the virus is fake how did it kill a flight attendant?

You are such a fruitloop.


Go find where I said the virus was fake I'll wait

I've been against forced vaccines the whole time, I take my vit D and Zinc daily

Once again the resident board mental case is having another episode of breaking from reality


Just your kind were pretending it was fake. Vitamin D?!! works in tandum with K for calcium synthesis for strengthening the bones. You are incredibly stupid.

Dude. YOU are the resident space cadet mental case here. You're stupid and crazy.


You said I said it was fake, go find where I did or admit you're a liar

"Overall, the medical literature demonstrates that the supplementation with zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D can mitigate viral respiratory infections. Thus, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the supplementation with such nutrients may be characterized as a widely available, safe and low cost measure that can be useful to cope with the increased demand for these nutrients in case of contact with the virus and onset of the immune responses, as well as to lower the risk of severe progression and prognosis of this viral infection."

And you've proven you're a dumbass LOL good job nutboy


Fruitcake, so now you love the media? vitamin D is not going to protect you from Covid. But I'm looking forward to your catching it.


Whatever you say Shit 4 Brains LOL


I wrote you were the shit for brains. Stupidity doesn't go any further than RandallGraves.


You wrote

>I have shit for brains.

Then you tried to edit it twice. I caught you both times. Shit 4 Brains LOL


I wrote you were the shit for brains. Stupidity doesn't go any further than RandallGraves. I love the attention you give me. I am so flattered.


Literally copied what you wrote before your 2x edits. Nice try Shit 4 Brains LOL


Oh geee there skipper you won the internet. I was calling you the shit for brains, that still stands. You are a shitforbrains.


Then why edit it twice? You're a liar and have shit 4 brains LOL


if only all those people on ventilators who need help breathing just took zinc!! everyone knows zinc makes your lungs superpowered! who even needs ventilators! we have an expert here who knows better. those suckers didnt even need machines to breath just go on down to the local pharmacy and get some multivitamins!


I'll trust those over your Frankenshot that obviously doesn't work


says you with no medical and scientific education. vs the consensus of medical experts and biologists.

I wonder who is correct and who is a fringe lunatic...


Plenty of medical experts point out the vaxx is bad news but keep lining up like the cultist you are and trusting your Lord and Savior Fauci

And there's plenty more than 1 who have died

No surprise your dumbass can't count


Plenty of scientific and medical institutions? name one? the thing is point to single or a few individuals who back you up means nothing. I can find you few cosmologists who claim the world is flat. it must be true right? despite all the evidence experiments done and consensus of scientists who think otherwise? you dont seem to understand science in even the slightest

The fact you point to Faucci proves you do not understand how the scienitfic and medical community offers recommendations based on a consensus on the studies and evidence.

yes one person died. Nothing is perfect especially when it comes to vaccines and medicine. I can send you a link of somone dying from aspirin. I guess it doesnt work and is deadly and show be stopped being sold immediately right?!

Look cases of people dying from the MMR vaccines particularly children! I guess the MMR vaccine doesnt work either by your logic!

I cant count because I have studies on literally millions who got the vaccine? vs your one article about one person and anecdotes.

hot tip. when arguing for statistical evidence about the safety and efficacy of something. providing a story about one person dying is not relevant evidence :) this is like science grade 7 stuff.


I've named them in other threads(4 of which are on the front page to make it easy for you), can you read?

And once again I've posted more than 1 person dying so that answers my first question.

No you can't read

Good job idiot


wow you've given lots of other anecdotes of totally unproven claims, not backed up by evidence or science on other threads too?OH My I do apologize! I didnt realize you have multiple times given garbage evidence! I guess when you combine lots of pieces of bad evidence it becomes good evidence magically! my apologies

"Amanda was a 23 year old healthcare worker and mother of a 19 month old daughter. In a gofundme that appears to be written by her father, he states that she died of a blood clot and that they have every reason to believe it was the covid shot that caused her death."

wow.... that def sounds like a proven case... "they have every reason to believe"

you are really taking beliefs of family members who arent experts or doctors and dont have autopsy results or any solid evidence as your proof?

Jesus Christ man. Ive seen better standards of evidence from flat earther who just claim its all a "NASA conspiracy"


Why provide them when you don't read them? So I'm clear here

- A pathologist describing how the vaxx destroys the brain and organs

- UK covid data for the last 6 months

- Journal of Infections (written by doctors who specialize in infectious disease)

- months of first hand reports from people and their family members who were vaxxed

Is "anecdotal evidence" to you

Yep, you're a fucking moron.


notice no specificities?
"a single pathologist" (see my cosmology example above)

a "covid data". let me take a wile guess. its "well see we didnt have vaccines before and the case numbers were less so vaccines dont work!"

somehow ignoring all the measures that were in place to reduce transmission. vs far less measures that would obviously see a massive increase even with vaccines.

"months of first hand reports". I actually laughed out loud at that. damn you sure are gullible and poorly educated if you think afew anecdotes are serious evidence when it comes to literally 100s of millions who have been vaccinated

More vague nothings you cant actually support. I am sure like the other guy I already engaged on here, you cherry picked what you wanted and ignored all the counter evidence :)


Do I have to link all 4 threads separately cause you're too dumb to look at the front page and find them yourself?

Nah actually just keep rambling like an idiot you're entertaining

Cherry picked LOL yeah cause a pathologist from the MAYO CLINIC is cherry picking too right

Fuck sake you're dumb

Take your vaxx and stfu



how out of the thousands and thousands of medical/ scientific organizations worldwide. representing millions of scientists, doctors and medical experts in every single country.

You cant find a single one of these organizations or institutions who agree with you.

instead you have
-"a pathologist" (ie 1)
-your interpretation of uk covid data. why should I care? are you an expert in this field
- and the piece de resistance! "months of first hand reports from people and their family members who were vaxxed"

hey man I got months of first hand reports form flat earths claiming they cant see the curve when they soon in with their p90 camera! the earth must be flat!

I know im rambling and such an idiot! because I want evidence and peer reviewed studies from actual experts! not your "I read first hand accounts over months". how dumb of me.

Do you even science bro? seriously I learned more in grade 6 science class than your entire current cranial contents on it apparently


God damn you're stupid,.let me make it easy for you idiot

"a pathologist" from the MAYO CLINIC who has more credibility than YOU

"UK Covid data" no interpretation needed its THEIR own findings you would know that had you looked at it

"first hand reports" and your very false equivalence. If you want to go to a restaurant and all the yelp reviews say how terrible the food is would you still eat there? We shut down the economy cause 1 person died from covid but more than 1 dying from the vaxx and you still trust it


Yes a rambling moron at that and it's obvious YOU don't "science bro" much less "read bro" or "critically think bro"

So take your vaxx, get your free beer and donut and go fuck yourself with them



ill write more clearly since simple concepts are difficult for you to understand sweetie :)

A PATHOLOGIST doesnt mean anything to science. a single individual scientists opinion/ interpretation is insignificant. its what does the research show and multiple other people (ie peers reviewing) the same studies and evidence is what ensures scientific study and research is done effectively. and the proper conclusions reached based on the evidenc. its what is the consensus of thousands of experts (not one)

the worlds leading physicist can come out and say gravity doesnt exist. that doesnt make it so. this is your arguement. Its unfortunate you have not even an amateur level understanding of these concepts

"UK Covid data" no interpretation needed its THEIR own findings you would know that had you looked at it "

you dont provide sources. so how can I do so? you dont seem to even do the basic minimal amount of effort (copy and pasting a source) to support any of your claims.

"hey covid vaccines are 100% effective! I won't provide sources though! just believe me ;)"

""first hand reports" and your very false equivalence. If you want to go to a restaurant and all the yelp reviews say how terrible the food is would you still eat there? We shut down the economy cause 1 person died from covid but more than 1 dying from the vaxx and you still trust it

ill make a simple analogy since apparently obvious things confuse you as I pointed out earlier :)

I went online! I read multiple first hand accounts over the months! it was 20 people who ate beef and died their family claims! my conclusion (by your logic) all beef is dangerous! its a deadly food! I will ignore the millions of others who eat it (ie the millions who have gotten the vaccine and been fine) because "I read first hand accounts over months!". its call selective evidence reading.

You seem unstable. I guess the people who monitor this site let this kind of lunatic behaviour run rampant


Fuck sake


God damn you've got the IQ of a lima bean


you dont even know what a source is either sweetie? ouch this is getting bad


For you, it sure is. All 4 posts are on the front page with sources. Too lazy to go look aren't you?

And again you're sweetie is at a Pride Parade I'm hot him


no sources still not provided. good job


you gave 4 different groups of "evidence" and yet cant provide one. I can only conclude you have nothing


Keep proving how illiterate you are


The CDC did halt the rollout of the J&J vaccine due to blood clots. They eventually decided that the benefits outweighed the risks. It's unusual for a healthy 23-year-old to die from a blood clot.

We are all different people with different DNA so there isn't one treatment method that is going to work for everyone. The vaccines should not be forced on people when there are harmful side effects.


Vaccines must be proven to be safe and effective before they are given to people. The COVID-19 vaccines are no different. These vaccines are being proven safe every day, as hundreds of thousands of Coloradans -– doctors, nurses, seniors, and others -– have already taken them. Nationally, many millions of people have also received the vaccine. Learn more:


The long-term effects of the vaccine remain unknown and there are numerous short-term effects like strokes, myocarditis and pericarditis. A lot of people are also having various nervous system reactions. The reddit boards /CovidVaccinated and /Vaccinelonghaulers provide info on positive/negative reactions.

I don't want a foreign invader instructing my immune system to create a potentially harmful spike protein that could damage my vascular system years from now.

The vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission so there shouldn't be any mandates. The experts are saying that the vaccines lessen the risk of hospitalization/death but the people at greater risk of hospitalization/death are fat/old with underlying conditions.

I've pasted below examples of people whose lives have been destroyed by the vaccine.


if only people who suffered from measles or the Spanish flu had just taken their vitamin D and zinc..... these doctors and medicated experts have no clue what they are talking about. a random on movie chat with know medical or virology education told us to take some supplements he must know more




Hey, you turd. Everyone knows the virus is real, including Randall. It's the fearmongering that is fake. No need to be scared of a virus that has a high survival rate.


Yes the vax works so well that that data from multiple countries shows not only infection rate but hospitalization and death rate being far far higher with unvaccinated people.

you do know the measles MMR vaccine also isnt full immunity right? its only 97% effective. It doesnt stop you getting measles. people with immune compromised issues need boosters. You have to get another dose every 10 years ect

wow this sounds exactly like the covid vaccine! I guess the measles vaccine doesn't work either!

Its almost like measles is non exist because we wiped it out due to the vaccine! meanwhile covid is still very much an active virus because people like you refuse to believe science and evidence and get vaccinated and we are having 600k new cases worldwide.

science and all medical insertions > your one instance of one person dying.

You should educate yourself further rather than spouting this nonsense conspiracy theory junk.

as Triumph says below. based on his comment it seems you have previously pushed the virus being fake and not serious, while also saying the vaccine is fake and ineffective. so which is it? this is what happens when you appeal to conspiracies. you dont rely on facts or evidence. you rely on feelings and emotions and anything and everything "proves" your conspiracy belief


Something tells me he's a 15-25 year old adolescent who barely graduated high school. Don't take him seriously.


I just joined is this truly the caliber of conservative thought on this site? conspiracies, lies, calling anyone who disagrees a communist and calling people names?


Riiiight like you haven't done the same

Stfu you kool-aid shitting cultist


please look through my 58 posts and point out where I called somone a fascist. ill wait.


>calling anyone who disagrees a communist and calling people names?

You've called plenty of people names so STFU


so where did I call people racists and fascists? please provide quotes with all the "name calling"

you for the second time do not seem to understand how a burden of proof works. YOU make a claim. YOU provide evidence. you need to learn grade 10 argumentation sweetie :)


Except you made the claim first and I can scroll up this very thread and see your "name calling" you "fringe lunatic"

And I'm not your sweetie. Go to your local pride rally he's getting railed like a prison bitch


dont rage that I called a spade a spade. you are objectively by definition fringe on many of your beliefs. thats a fact. and arguably a lunatic. look at your posts. crazy conspiracies, calling everyone faggots and communists. fantasizing about gay activities while acting homophobic.

if you think this is normal behaviour im sorry.



He needs balance in his life.


I just joined but do those who monitor this really let such disgusting language?


I think the moderators here are overtasked compared to other forums. So it kinda allows this to be a haven for right-wing extremism.

It wasn't this bad until Trump lost.


im all for free speech but the problem is it can quickly degrade (on both sides) to just disgusting name calling.

fair this is a huge discussion board especially politics and general without even getting into movies and peoples pages they must just be overtaxed.


I agree that the low risk of dying from COVID is a solid gamble, and is why I fully support everyone having freedom of choice regarding the vaccine. Your argument would support just letting the virus run its course, allowing our species to build up a natural immunity, which would eventually produce a weaker but more contagious virus (like the common cold or flu).

I disagree, however, that the vaccines are a "huge risk". 2 in 1 million is a much, much smaller risk than 1/5,000 chance of dying. Doing the math, it means you're 100 times more likely to die from COVID if unvaccinated than you are from the vaccine (2/10,000 vs 2/1,000,000 if over 30). Again, you have a much better chance of dying in a car accident (which is merely 1 in 107) than dying from a COVID vaccine. But I bet you drive nearly every day, though, don’t you? Working the math, that means that you are 9,346 times more likely to die in a car crash than of the COVID vaccine. On the other hand, to your point, you’re also 47 times more likely to die in a car crash than from COVID itself. Everyone must make a decision of their own volition based on those odds.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


Unfortunately no body knows what the long term side effects are. Normal drugs are put through rigorous testing for a decade before they’re approved. And even when they are they’re sometimes forced to be pulled because they kill people.

Vioxx for example killed 60,000 people after it had been FDA approved and on the market for 5 years. Merck was forced to pay billions in settlements.

These vaccines use the mRNA technology which has never been tested. People have no idea what they’re injecting in themselves. So it’s understandable that half the medical industry is refusing to take it. That the White House and CDC refuse to mandate it to their employees.

And for a virus with a > 99.97% survival rate. And that’s using death totals we know have been amplified anywhere from 500-900%. That also includes over 65 which make up the vast majority of deaths. Seems like a huge risk for less than 1/5000 chance of dying. About 1/25000 chance if you’re under 30.


I agree that the low risk of dying from COVID is a solid gamble, and is why I fully support everyone having freedom of choice regarding the vaccine. Your argument would support just letting the virus run its course, allowing our species to build up a natural immunity, which would eventually produce a weaker but more contagious virus (like the common cold or flu).

I disagree, however, that the vaccines are a "huge risk". 2 in 1 million is a much, much smaller risk than 1/5,000 chance of dying. Doing the math, it means you're 100 times more likely to die from COVID if unvaccinated than you are from the vaccine (2/10,000 vs 2/1,000,000 if over 30). Again, you have a much better chance of dying in a car accident (which is merely 1 in 107) than dying from a COVID vaccine. But I bet you drive nearly every day, though, don’t you? Working the math, that means that you are 9,346 times more likely to die in a car crash than of the COVID vaccine. On the other hand, to your point, you’re also 47 times more likely to die in a car crash than from COVID itself. Everyone must make a decision of their own volition based on those odds.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


2 in 1 million is based on less than a year of testing and implementation. It’s also based on their numbers which we know are false. Their PCR test was a fail. Their covid deaths are amplified. There is no reason to trust big pharma on this issue or the CDC/WHO who’s controlled by big pharma when they have trillions in profits at stake.

What do these independent front line doctors speaking directly from experience have to gain? All they’ve been doing is saving patients using methods not approved by big pharma/cdc/who. With drugs that have been used for a half a century or longer.

Not to mention, the vaccinated are still catching, spreading, and dying of covid.


It does work well. More than 99.99% of people fully vaccinated against Covid-19 have not had a breakthrough case resulting in hospitalization or death, according to the latest data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

No one said the vaccine was going to give you 100% immunity ffs.


Is that the same CDC that said they will no longer track breakthrough cases last month?

Or is the CDC who gave us a covid test that has never been able to decipher covid from the flu?

Or is it the CDC who said they will not mandate their employees to get the injection that provides no immunity?

Fun fact: the definition of vaccine.
Learn to pronounce
a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity.


Don’t worry, it’s just 2 weeks to stop the spread.


Because you find an account of one vaccinated person who died with Covid-19.
I can guarantee you a year ago you were ranting and raving about how people who died of other causes with Covid-19 were dishonestly being classified as dying from C-19.

And yes, the vaccine does work so well. over 2 billion people have been vaccinated, and the little one offs where 1 person dies of something you are so delighted and try to blow it up into more than a sad curiosity. What the hell is wrong with you? Seriously, WTF is your problem. You do with predictably with every single issue that you can make some obtuse connection to politics, and your reasoning and sources are do off the wall.

You are a sad person with no redeeming qualities that I have ever noticed in any of your posts or comments.


I think most of us who are against the covid vaccine are trying to educate people about the real dangers. I don't take delight in seeing people dying. The mainstream media gets advertising from the big pharma companies so they will not warn the public of the dangers. The politicians are all getting campaign contributions from big pharma and many people leave government and get jobs with big pharma companies.

The vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission so there should not be a vaccine mandate.

The reddit threads /CovidVaccinated and /Covidlonghaulers have lots of stories of good and bad vaccine experiences. Check out the many people who have been hurt by the vaccines in the articles below.


Classic anti-vax nonsense that any normal average intelligent person would know from the fact that with over 2 billion people vaccinated
1 - in the places with the most vaccinates, there is MUCH less Covid, less hospitalization, and almost no deaths.
2 - of those over 2 billion vaccinated people we would know something is wrong if a lot of people were dying or getting sick or having some special unlikely problem in large numbers - that is not happening.

But what we do know is that the groups that almost completely irrational about everything else, the lump this anti-vaccine nonsense in with all the other wacko-stuff.

If someone gets Covid and dies you claim the doctors are getting paid to claim it is covid when its not, but as soon as you think the dying is to your advantage you drop that and start claiming it is Covid. I don't know how there is anyone out there that does not get a complete top off to lunacy whenever you start in with certain Republican long discredited lines.
