MovieChat Forums > drrclavan > Replies
drrclavan's Replies
Can you rephrase that in understandable English?
Learn the difference between your and you're (and probably there, their and they're). Uses interpunction.
I do NOT understand ghetto scribble!
Just seeing mark hamill 'act' in Star Wars makes you cringe. He's not even good enough to be in a school play. He would make an awesome janitor though, somewhere in a basement.
But that's exactly what I mean: they DO want that name because it's a guaranteed audience of people who EXPECT crazy deformed hillbillies.
Damn, another dumb libtard.
I don't only 'believe' it was antifa. I KNOW it was antifa. antifa is GETTING tons of money from soros to do this shit, they do everything and anything for soros-money.
You just don't have the brain capacity to see the big picture. soros paid antifa, endorsed by pelosi, to infiltrate the peaceful crowd and start riots and get into the Capitol. Their goal: make President Donald J. Trump supporters (and thus President Donald J. Trump) look bad so he can be impeached. The antifa/demonrats knew they had hit the jackpot when Babbitt was needlessly shot, they cheered ("We've done it!").
The demonrats are scared as fuck for President Donald J. Trump because he's still on course to drain the swamp, but the swamp is where they live. So they wanted him impeached, no matter what. Luckily they failed again. But that's how crooked the demonrats are, false flag operations to make President Donald J. Trump look bad.
And I'm not an American. But if I were, I'd be a sane one.
The country I'm from has a great education system that enabled me to get a Masters degree in Applied Physics.
That's not woke!
It should be Womandalorian.
Alsofuck is a troll. Don't feed it.
Alsofuck is a troll. Don't feed it.
I read in another post that Ellen Page would be replacing someone in the Mandalorian.
It should be Womandalorian !!!
Ellen Page is NOT a male. She's a mentally disturbed female.
Too stupid to pull it off.
At least it's one more vote for dementia joe.
I'm not a stereotype. I was the hot, smart, unpopular one that everyone hated.
Your Caps Lock key is in desperate need of fixing!
And sorry to disappoint you but the supporters of President Donald J. Trump are nice law-abiding citizens. It's the demonrat supporters and antifa that are dangerous cult members, just look what they did to Portland, Seattle etc. And all without punishment (apart from Hero Kyle who actually did something).
But, by all means, keep believing the fake news narrative instead of educating yourself.
If people are THAT dumb I indeed assume they're 'Muricans. I'm not a 'Murican myself by the way.
The capital was stormed by antifa, NOT by supporters of President Donald J. Trump, who is still the <b>legitimate</b> president. The storming by antifa was endorsed by pelosi and other demonrats days in advance.
Oh please! This <b>is</b> disgusting! No other words for it. Yuk! Gross!
<b>NO</b> sane man could think that is attractive. It's a big fat balloon.
Plot twists? You are confusing actual plot twists with the writers not having a clue what to come up with next and so they reveal how yet another human is actually a cylon, good for another few episodes.
The only thing hidden in plain sight is the writers' incompetence to come up with a coherent story that does justice to the original series.
I very much enjoyed the original series' good vs bad, pew pew pew.