drrclavan's Replies

The rascals sent her out for fun, to be killed by her own friend. Duh. "I was shocked when they removed the masks and I just realized what happened." Did I miss something? WHAT happened? Which masks? Or are you talking about the ONE mask, the one her black friend was wearing? A generic girl's bedroom would have had a dildo on the nightstand. Another fact that almost always goes unmentioned: HITLER WAS A SOCIALIST ! A lefty, doing all the things that lefties like to do: big government, controlling everything, doing away with personal freedom, taking the people's guns etc. The fake news is always trying to make him look like 'far right' but the guy was FAR FAR LEFT. What the right wants is small government, let people make up their own minds and allow them the means to fight a tyrannical government. It's about the time we call Mr Hitler what he is: a far left socialist nutcase. Just like dementia joe xiden. Already told you: I'm not trolling. So giving me a rating for something I'm not doing is rather silly. Damn autocorrect. I mean real of course. I always proofread my posts but sometimes - just sometimes - you just overlook a blatant error. It happens to the best. I am proof of that. I am the best. See? But mea culpa. I hope I won't do it again. I wasn't talking about Beelzebub. I don't masturbate. I fap. World of difference. And YES I find this annoying, every time I go to MC that nasty elliot face is grinning at me. Yuk. If you don't like my topic feel free to fuck off to the politically correct dementia joe xiden fanpage on fatwabook and never cum back. <b>WRONG!</b> That kardashian bimbo has an ASS the size of Lake Superior. You are confused! And it's FUGLY! It's DISGUSTING! ONLY if you're in desperate need of a really big table is an ass like that welcome. If I'd have to spend the rest of my days on some otherwise deserted island I'd rather spend it with a male dwarf then with that gigantic ass bimbo. The kardashians is what's wrong with 'Murica. People OBSESSED by shallow, dumb, narcissistic, fat-assed cunts. FOR FUCK SAKE! Is there ANY movie you didn't post this? Her ass if FAT and UGLY. I don't understand why ANYONE would like an ass like Jennifer's or - even worse - that of that kardashian bimbo. Well, she fucked Charlie Sheen. She's seriously damaged goods now. That's what drugs and socialist indoctrination does to a person. Underwear and a pair of jeans don't even prevent a fart and you think a piece of cloth will prevent virus particles from escaping? A facemask is to virus particles what a sieve is to water: it runs straight through. Hear hear! Well, there's <b>your</b> post now. Wait a little and 'Murica <b>is</b> the third world! Thanks to dementia joe xiden the floodgates at the Mexican border are wide open and every single day 'Murica becomes more third world. There's something you can NOT ignore. You are delusional. President Donald J. Trump was the best president the USA had for at least a hundred years (Reagan comes 2nd right after Donald). Trump didn't lose ANY branch of government. THE DEMONRATS <b>STOLE</b> ALL BRANCHES !!! Educate yourself, you liberal brainwashed snowflake. Before you know it 'Murica will be like Venezuela, see how you like them socialist apples! I don't love Tom Cruise but I love the movies he's in. To love him I'd have to get to know him better first. And be gay. Which I'm not. It's not trolling, I mean it.