Thaistickers's Replies

Not really. I want him to go away, he's defiled our nation enough. Aren't you sick of him? We don't have a fucking idiot for president He totally exposed conservatives for what they really are. Please, weed is not drugs. You cite Fox News to accuse someone of peddling misinformation? Well I've had my laugh for the day! Lol, those are hardly "leftist" organizations. You are like those people on the 50s and 60s who saw a communist behind every lamp-post. If an organization does not support the Big Lie, they are immediately suspect, to you. Go to your grave, please. Dailycaller lol Back to the original question (people should really start new posts if they want to go so far astray): In my humble opinion, it's because the creator made the external appearance of our procreative organs rather gross-looking. Thus, he thought to hide as much as he could under a cloud of bush. Oh people, do not undo the almighty's wise concealment! You be you, kowalski You be you, kowalski Thus begins the post-trump era of peace and harmony! No, it's a question of integrity, and a livable world. Thus, Fox is not seen on my channel lineup, and I'm the happier for it. That's a hilarious story header! I just can't get over how supporters of tfg, who spewed lies and exaggerations incessantly, used vulgarisms to slime his opponents, wanted to destroy NATO and cuddle up to Putin, never had an approval rating over 50%, oversaw the worst economic crash since the `08 recession, lost the senate and house to the democrats, denied covid existed until it was too late, used the Bible--which he's surely never read--as a prop to deflect from his failed leadership, and during whose term the only substantial piece of legislation passed was a tax-break for the wealthy, and after all that, the deplorables still think he's Mr. America! But yeah let's talk about someone's fantasy of liberals dancing in the streets and sacrificing their child sex-slaves snatched from the pizza parlor in celebration of the Jan. 6 riots! Rednecks vs Yahoos I was just wondering what it might feel like to talk like a demented deplorable. So the moral of your story is: There's no place for charity or compassion in this world. Lose your soul and become a libertarian! Are you going by the picture up above? Cuz if you are you're an idiot. He is now. Traitor, sell-out, gutless...what you will What airline showed this movie? Unedited?