MovieChat Forums > trevorh321 > Replies
trevorh321's Replies
CNN and MSNBC have done that many times. They would use video of a gun range in I think Kentucky saying it was from Syria.
Biden's criticisms are more about his failing intellect. He never had much to begin with.
Some black lives (George Floyd) matter more than others (David Dorn).
He is in his 70s. Cut him some slack.
The amazing part of that is he had to fight against the Democrats the whole time and he still saw positive growth, record unemployment and investment.
Better than having my business burned to the ground by Democrats.
Of course he does! He is a politician! They all lie, break promises. I care that it is built. I don't care who pays for it. I also care about American lives. Do you?
Those are total numbers. When you include the fact black Americans commit about half the violent crimes, that number is even more startling.
In 2019, the number of white people killed by the police is around 155% more than blacks killed.
If the number I heard recently is correct, for this year it is around 200% more.
True. The violence of liberalism is a greater than threat than anything.
What does it matter who pays for it? It has to be built for the protection of American citizens. We might have to build one around us to protect us from Democrats, too, the way they are burning down America.
It's still being built. And we now realize it has to be built. Should have been built decades ago.
Mitt Romney.
Yes, Republicans will disagree with one another. That is part of their strength and weakness. Democrats always blindly support one another. That is also a strength and weakness.
Good. At least we believe in law and order and democracy and not mob rule.
No, but that is not a certainty. That is a guess based on a loose hypothesis from scientists who have been consistently wrong about everything.
Yes, we save the environment but destroy the country. I'd rather we save the country.
And? Plenty of white people stupid enough to be Democrats.
Are you this blind? The Dems are literally burning down this country, breaking laws at will, seeking to overturn the Constitution, using intimidation and violence at will to do it.
Yes, that is how it works. He pushes a button. And then the world goes boom.