trevorh321's Replies

If the rumor is true many in the Atlanta force are not going to show up for work. Seems to me they are their own worst enemies. But they want to take America down with them. I am not. But when half the violent crimes in America are committed by one group of people, that would seem to be a problem. Deepstar Six? That doesn't say much for the black community. Does it? No, China released it, lied about it. Not Trump. You hate Trump so much you would let China get away with lying about a virus that has killed over 400,000 people. I believe you are overlooking the China virus. Trump didn't crash anything. China did. And you helped them with your rioting. You do realize that everything you have right now, all the security, is going away. I live in a remote place so it won't affect me but most people in America will lose security thanks to Democrats. A lot of things will go away now. Some may take more time but it will happen. I wonder how long before China starts taking over other places. Eventually the US. Thanks to Democrats. There is video of Obama saying it. You don't believe him? It took CHINA and then Democrats rioting and looting. That's what it took. A lie. When Trump won the leading economist Paul Krugman said the economy would tank under Trump immediately. It did the reverse. I believe it because it is the truth. Obama even said that manufacturing jobs would never come back. Trump immediately proved him wrong. That is a fact. Continued? The economy took off under Trump like we have never seen it. Ever. Nonsense. Obama had nowhere to go but up. It took a while for the economy to recover because Obama has no clue how the economy works. That's why Trump was able to immediately fix the economy while Obama was in search of a magic wand. Obama is twenty years younger. I invite you to watch the video of him working out. Wimpiest workout I have ever seen a man do. Michelle Obama is twice as strong as wimpy Barack. 11.6+ million jobs added - he was given a bottomed out economy, nowhere else to go but up 15+ million more Americans got healthcare, many for the first time ever - at the cost of millions of Americans who were forced to lose their HC and many tens of millions more who were forced to pay much more for less coverage Defeated Ebola and H1N1 pandemics LOL S&P Index rose 166% he was given an economy with nowhere to go but up and he still underperformed Saved the American auto industry - it went ahead with exactly the same bankruptcy protections they wanted to do in the first place, Obama did not save them, they had to save themselves by reorganizing their assets and liabilities Wind and Solar power increased by 369% - And yet most of those assets Obama used taxpayer funds to purchase ended up in China and they paid pennies on the dollar for it, that means we lost hundreds of millions Won the Nobel Peace Prize LOL 0 Impeachments yes, but he should have been impeached over his use of the IRS and then Benghazi 0 Indictments he was the first black president and no one could ever allow him to be a failure but his entire presidency was riddled with corruption and lies Trump didn't hire protesters in 2015 North Dakota for the pipeline. Most of the Native Americans there don't care about it but for $50 a day they can pretend to care. Is that a prequel to All in the Family? Usually a gun but in that moment you are trained to fire on someone who is attempting to fire on you. It's instinct taking over. This guy brought this all on himself. All of it. And this white cop will pay a big price, too. Not a bigger one but it's going to ruin his life and he doesn't seem like a bad guy at all, not like the Minneapolis cop.