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Trump boasts of his biggest, best accomplishment during his presidency!

Trump spent today on Twitter boasting of his biggest, best accomplishment in his Presidency, to secure his re-election:

He 'successfully walked down a short, low ramp' which was not slippery at all, with no railing.

A video of him is proof - he walked very gingerly down the short, shallow ramp with a general by his side, as he kept his focus on his baby steps down the ramp. He promised his followers he wouldn't fall for the 'fake news'. (Keep in mind the general next to him had no problem maneuvering the 'slippery ramp', which makes Trump's preposterous claim even more unbelievable).

Trump explained in a Tweet of the harrowing, 15 second journey down the ramp - and showed this feat was more proof of his athletic prowess and virility. He showed off his strong bone spurs in them heels of his.

Of course, this is sure to turn the poll numbers upside down. With this major accomplishment, he's sure to be leading Joe Biden by 10-14% by the end of the week.

Good job, Trump!


He is in his 70s. Cut him some slack.


So is Biden - no one (especially Trump) cuts him any slack. What's good for Biden is good for Trump. Now take out your Six-Pack of Coors, wave the Confederate Flag, and celebrate Trump's big win!


Or better yet...burn down some local businesses, beat some innocent people with 2x4s, ban some movies and TV shows, and defecate on a destroyed rioted police car! Now it’s a party!


I think you meant to suggest teargassing innocent people, and shooting them with rubber bullets in front of St. John's Episcopal Church so that Trump can do another photo op with an upside down Bible. Or maybe hold up the shoes he was wearing when he made that triumphant glide down that very steep and slippery ramp ? The possibilities are endless.


DoggieDump continues with his lies because he can’t handle the truth! Ignorance is bliss.

Tear gas was NOT used on the so-called peaceful protesters. From the Secret Service & The Park Police:

The Secret Service asserted Thursday that “no agency personnel” used tear gas or capsicum spray during the clearing of Lafayette Park earlier this week before President Trump visited St. John’s Church.

In a statement released Tuesday by the USPP, the law enforcement agency said “no tear gas was used” when clearing a large group of protestors from the area. The USPP said it took the steps “to curtail the violence that was underway,” pushing back against claims that the protest was entirely peaceful.

At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids,” the USPP said in a statement. “The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.”

“As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls when protestors did scatter from the area," the statement said.


Biden's criticisms are more about his failing intellect. He never had much to begin with.


Please don't ever compare anyone's 'failing intellect' to Trump. You only make Trump look worse.


Apparently DoggieDump has never been around anyone in their 70’s. I cannot imagine anyone of any age wanting to be around him! We tend to have some arthritis in our hands which leads to “grip-loss”, less strength in our hands. I can no longer rack a firearm. No declining mental faculties. Our vision changes so we tend to look down due to wearing bifocals, trifocals, progressive lens, etc. We are more careful when descending stairs, an escalator, and yes, a RAMP! No dementia there! Our balance at times wavers. I have several safety ladders, large platform steps, one with handrails. Since I have 9 foot ceilings I have to climb the ladder, slowly of course, then walk the counters to place seldom used dishes into cabinets and to clean ceiling fans. My mental faculties are fairly good for my age. If I can keep up with guys that’s a win!👏🏻👏🏻

Finally, there will be a day when doggiedoo gets his just rewards for mocking someone in their 70’s...if he lives that long. Unhappy, ugly of soul sorts tend to die earlier.


Preach your garbage to your fellow Trumpers who mock Biden at 77 years old. Then you can start a conversation you hypocrite. Do you need a list of Trumpers who mock Biden constantly, or will you be able to find them on your own in this forum ?


I don't know why he doesn't boast from the mountaintop his pardon of Sholom Rusbashkin...

In 2008, while under investigation by numerous state and federal agencies for alarming workplace conditions, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers raided a Postville, Iowa meatpacking plant owned by Agriprocessors, resulting in arrests of nearly 400 immigrants working in the plant.

One of the managers of the plant (and the son of the owner), Sholom Rubashkin, was eventually sentenced to 27 years in federal prison on charges stemming from the raid. But on December 20, 2017, President Trump commuted Rubashkin’s sentence, after he had served less than a third of his prison term.


He could also boast about taking Putin's side over his own American Intelligence back in 2018. I'm sure he will between now and November.

But right now he is so proud of gingerly walking down that slippery shallow ramp for fifteen seconds.


Why do so many Trumpers refuse to acknowledge his pardon of Sholom Rusbashkin ? The Dems need to remind everyone before election day.
