Matildawormwood's Replies

Which one? Brianna or Giovanni Samuels? Cause she was the only white girl at Crenshaw high. Trust me, if a new black or Latino kid went to Britney's old "white" school, other students, (especially mean ones like Winnie) would make racist remarks on themZ Carson isn't even a "white" country. But Torrance and PV definitely are. I love how they had re-dos and flashbacks from the original series. Like Steph driving Joey's car into the house again. There's also no clear, accurate reason why Michelle didn't appear. Not even once. That everytime the BLM gets mistreated, they're gonna continue standing up for their rights. Even if it means causing scenes and disturbances to get everyone's attention and get idiots to realize the seriousness of the situation. You never underestimate minorities!! They're ancestors fought long and hard and they will keep fighting and standing up for themselves. Yup coke plus dirrhrea, no wonder he's so insecure and roasts Obama all the time. The video is evidence right there. Plus the bystanders in the street who saw them That's day, everyone will have a parade and rave parties to celebrate it. I know right Doggiedaddy! They've been defeated once again! And will continue to be defeated. Up until his last day standing in the whitehouse. Kimmy still has the same eccentric personality. Stephanie is all grown up so we can't expect her to play that cute little chatter box girl she was. It's better than listening to Trumps pathological lies. Ever since this year, NOtHING he's ever said was proven to be true. You don't even have to be a democrat to recognize his BS. I've met a few republicans who hate him as well. Where the evidence that proves he's on drugs?? Evidence please? If you gonna make comments. At least be respectful and act like you got some intellengence and maturity. Regardless of whatever happened in NYC, COVID-19 couldve already been beat. It successfully happened in other countries. But stupid protesters where angry over haircuts, taking their fat butts to their gyms, and taking their old, ugly,'shriveled up bodies to the beach. They're the reason that COVID-19 spread across the country and they're the reason the USA has the highest number of cases.