MovieChat Forums > Politics > "I Can't 'Breath'" πŸ˜πŸ˜…

"I Can't 'Breath'" πŸ˜πŸ˜…

I keep seeing these signs people make. πŸ˜–

Didn't they learn the difference between "breath" and "breathe" in 3rd grade?

If you are gonna make a sign, learn how to spell.


If you gonna make comments. At least be respectful and act like you got some intellengence and maturity.


I'll let you in on a little secret: Norma has no respect, intelligence or maturity. Hence, her post.



You nailed it. In addition to what you say, she has no self-awareness.


Well you need to speak to the Wizard of Oz because you've lost your brains!


You are a damn fool.


Wow, making fun of murder now?

You Trumpers don't even bother pretending you have souls anymore.

You're sick.


No. Making fun of proper English, you fool!!


Oh, shove it, you goddamn liar. You knew exactly what you were doing when you made this thread with THAT title and THAT laughing emoji next to it and, on the off-chance that you don't see how that comes across as looking sick and sensitive, then you'd have to be a sociopath not to see that.

But keep doing what you're doing. We'll see how fast that smile wipes off your face when your fat boy loses this November, Sunshine. :)


Once again, everything goes back to Trump, doesn't it.

You're just mad I pointed out how stupid these "protesters" are. If I only saw one, I probably would have forgotten about it.


God, you guys are pathetically transparent. This is the part where I'm supposed to say: "It IS Trump's fault because racism has been on the rise since he took office" then you give me some kind of word salad laced with "Obama" and "the libs" and blah blah blah and wheel turns.


After 3.5 years of this same jargon, it's beyond old.

And, if the protesters are stupid in your eyes, then I'm assuming you find those Michigan courthouse protesters equally stupid, correct?

The only truth here is one I will say right now: the rioters and looters are stupid--not the protesters.


I put protesters in quotes. Didn't you notice? Of course that's who I was referring to.

I didn't mention Trump, Obama, the libs...
Please stay on topic.

Michigan protesters? The signs I saw were in proper English. πŸ‘πŸ»

If you're tired of the same old jargon, why did you come back? Just couldn't help yourself, huh?


No, the *division* and hostility had become worse under Obama.

”For as we enter the final days of the Obama presidency, the more accurate descriptor of race relations is a fault-line - the most angry fault-line in US politics and American life, and one that continues to rumble away, threatening small explosions at any time.
From Obama we expected seismic change of a more positive kind.

And although it was a presidency that began atop a mountain, it ended in something of a valley.”

”Satisfaction with race relations in the United States has jumped under President Trump, the latest indication that the Republican is making significant inroads with blacks and other minorities in advance of the 2020 presidential election.

New details from a Gallup survey on satisfaction said race relations and the β€œposition” of minorities under Trump are far higher than they were under President Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president.

Race relations scored the highest satisfaction advance, 14 points, from 22% at the end of the Obama administration to 36% this month, said Gallup.”

And, β€œThe position of blacks and other racial minorities in the nation” jumped 9 points, from 37% in January 2017 to 46% now.

From CNN, October, 2016:

”Most say race relations worsened under Obama, poll finds


There's another thread here where she's making fun of someone's murder, and her fellow T-rumpanzees chime in. It's disgusting:


Yep. That was funny but it wasn't about murder, it was about the looters.
In fact, this past week hasn't been about a murder at all. It's been about a group of people destroying our country and stealing from hard working people and their businesses.

You're really THE LAST person on these boards who has ANY room to talk about someone elses comments when you have posted some of the sickest stuff I've seen.


In fact, this past week hasn't been about a murder at all. It's been about a group of people destroying our country and stealing from hard working people and their businesses.

So you think victims of crime are to be laughed at ? You have no empathy for the hard working people and their businesses - it's all a big joke to you? Let's laugh at the amount of inventory they lost to looters ? This is funny in your sick mind?

Definitely something wrong with you. And you're the last person on these boards to be calling others out - the other day you apologized for your other obnoxious post about Floyd. You have a sick mind and like to project onto other people.


Huh? β€œSo you think victims of crime are to be laughed at ?”

There you go again...deflecting from and contorting her post. How in the hell did you see where she was laughing at victims of crime? She was showing empathy for those victims! What is wrong with you?

This is what she posted:β€œIn fact, this past week hasn't been about a murder at all. It's been about a group of people destroying our country and stealing from hard working people and their businesses.”


Everyone on these boards knows your mind is diseased, doggie. The ugly things you post on a regular basis is disgusting. You have no room to say one word about anyone else on here.

You and your posse on here have no comprehension skills. You have no leg to stand on because you stand behind criminal activity.

Where is your sympathy for all the needless death, physical harm to others and the destruction of our entire country? Why can't there be sympathy for both Floyd AND everything else?
I've said from day one that what happened to Floyd was horrific and justice should be served.
But what's going on is NOT JUSTIFIED! It stopped being about Floyd a week ago. Innocent people and our country as a whole is paying a hefty price for what 4 cops did!

But you and your buddies outrage on this thread is because I pointed out the same poorly handwritten signs by multiple protesters that any 3rd grader should be able to write without fail.

Thank you for taking the bait. You have all exposed yourselves just like I knew you would.


Everyone on these boards knows your mind is diseased, doggie. The ugly things you post on a regular basis is disgusting. You have no room to say one word about anyone else on here.

Projecting, once again. Keep going...


Wow...that's quite nasty, to say the least.


I guess you think it's funny businesses are being destroyed, people are getting hurt and killed.

Talk about NASTY!


Why would I think that was funny, exactly? Oh, that's right--it's more bullshit out of your mouth.

You guys are getting worse. It's like you guys ran out of material and are just phoning it in. It's actually quite sad how scripted and generic your arguments sound here.


Because you're more worried about me mentioning a misspelled sign than the destruction of our country.




She thinks you'd think it's funny because she's under the belief that everyone finds racism funny. They don't know that's exclusive to T-rumptards on the forum.


Do you really believe most of what you throw against the wall will stick? How in the world did you come to believe NormaAndNorman finds racism funny? That we Trump voters think racism funny? It’s abhorrent...always has been, always will be! I have yet to see anyone on this board post otherwise. Doggie, you are so deep into your dislike of Trump and his voters it’s like a sickness. It’s one thing to disagree with Trump voters, but to fabricate illogical claims and to out right lie is disturbing in the least.


No she wasn’t, Doggie. That thread was about looters...not the murder of George Floyd. Again, you were seeing something which wasn’t there. Instead what you wanted to see. Nit picking again.


You're the last one on this forum I would listen to about what a T-rumpanzee posted. Tell us again how Karma kills innocent people via pancreatic cancer....


Picking at that scab again!


It's a deep, disgusting scab that will never go away no matter how hard you try to scrub it from our memories. So tell us again how karma will come and attack someone's wife with pancreatic cancer...


At this time I’m unable to explain to you as I’ve attempted to do so many times what Karma is. You might wish to do research instead of badgering me for an explanation.
At this time I have to contact the VA, Medicare, his Medicare supplement, the school system from which he received his retirement, and compose an husband died last evening.


I'm usually a stickler for proper word usage, but the gravity of the situation distracted me from the triviality of a missing "e".
I'm sure their is a time for it, but it's not now.
Good for you for focusing on the important things in life. And death.


If you've read any of my posts in recent days, you'd know that's not true.

My point is they (and I saw many of those signs with the same saying misspelled) didn't take the time to get it right and probably think they had it right, which is even worse. It's elementary school spelling. Speaks volumes. Can't blame it on a typo. It's plain stupidity.


Nit picky
I was called nit picky yesterday for mentioning Trump - teargas - Bible


Not from me and that was a fake story anyway. Get your facts straight.


Why do you keep calling something that millions watched with their own eyes fake!?


It's F A K E!!


Well, then you’re blind




You’re blind also


They are drowning in their conspiracy theories - they wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass.




You think that's bad? I saw one that said the bearer "Can't Breth".


Please... Norman... Get... Off.. My. T..



The Cops who put their knee on his throat should be arrested!


He was. Where you been?


Don't you mean "Where have you been"? Seeing as your such a champion of correct spelling I would have expected your grammar to be a little less appalling.


Where you been?

Didn't they teach you proper grammar in the third grade ? Let's see you start a thread on your own lack of elementary education, so we can all laugh at you.


Thanks for the lesson.


It's telling that you would select that particular spelling error to laugh at.

They were the last words of a dying man. The fact you are so easily amused that a protester misspelling it delights you this much is irrelevant, it's extremely poor taste to take those words and put your inane emojis next to them. Could you be more transparent in your lack of respect? We get it, this is all about the protesters and how dumb they are to you, but to others this is about a man's unnecessary death. A death you obviously couldn't give a shit about.

Yuk it up Norma, you're all class.

Oh and before you get too comfortable in your glass house there, going from the quality of your posts I don't think you should be waiting by the letterbox for an invitation to Mensa either, sweetheart. You might be clever enough to spell but your powers of comprehension and compassion are clearly less than those you snigger at like the nasty piece of work you so obviously are.




She has a very sick mind. The other day I called her out for a post which ended with her trying to make a joke about Griffin's death - she actually apologized and reworded her post. But someone with a sick mind doesn't change their behavior that fast - she needs help.


"trying to make a joke about Griffin's death"

Who in the world is Griffin????!!!!


Learn how to comprehend, tim74.
