einsteinfountain's Replies

So let me ask this are you of the mindset that the least amount of government is the best? I think colleges take advantage of the public's perception on education. People assume that when you get a high priced degree or go to any college that it is guaranteed to fetch you a good high paying job. Once you have paid your money and given the time and you realize you might have been duped it is too late and you are stuck with bills. Not saying that is the case every time but I have seen that happen. Amazon is a reason that corporations having too much freedom is a bad thing. They are one of the highest grossing companies in the world yet they pay their employees the bare minimum until forced to pay them more. The employees did not have to stay but you are acting as if someone can just up and quit their job with no consequence. Some were relying on that job in order to get by. What happens when that job is the only thing keeping you off the street and you have to wait there until you get your side hustle or other job going? Sometimes there is not another option, or even if there is it will not come immediately. Leaving is easier said than done. I am not saying you can't but it is not something you can simply do without thinking of the repercussions in a lot of cases. So in the Amazon case it did not punish the little people it helped them. No actually sometimes people are underpaid and worth more than what they are making. Now sometimes you are correct but there are exceptions to that. The world has changed now it is common to see both people in a marriage work unless one person is making a six figure income. Ideally yes companies pay people what they are worth but we do not live an ideal world, therefore as I stated earlier there are exceptions to what you said. Lots of things has caused the country to go into recession. It isn't simply the fact that we are supporting people on welfare we did have a very expensive war happen in the early 2000s whether you support it or not is irrelevant it still costs lots of money. Sometimes you are correct but you did not address my point about Amazon. The only reason they payed their workers more was because they were forced to. Should we just have let them continue to do what they were doing? Some are not meant to be in college or home owners but how do we determine that? The approval process for buying a home was way more lenient which led to people getting into houses they could not afford. Also I feel you have this mentality well I went through this in order to get where I am therefore everyone else has to also. This is bad because just because I have had friends have a drug problem and have to work their tale off to take care of legal fees does not mean I wish that on other people. I feel the drug war needs to end. College shouldn't only be for people who have a fat wallet. There are plenty that would excel and do well in college but simply will not go because of how much it costs. That is the other lie we must break though, going to college does not guarantee you will make money. Lots of times people fall into that mindset of thinking that college will get you a fat wallet and once it doesn't you are stuck with student loans up to your eyeballs. The thing you are not considering is that some people are trying to make ends meet and have done everything they can to move up but get pigeonholed into a job. Companies like Amazon got away with not paying their employees a good wage for years despite raking in record profits. Also if people have a more feasible wage they will not have to take on multiple jobs in order to make ends meet thus leaving more jobs open to others. Why is it fair that Jeff Bezos only payed his employees more when he was forced to? If it was up to people like him he would work you like a dog while paying you nothing. My relative had to work 3 jobs and still lost the house they were in. Credit got destroyed and ultimately almost became homeless. Then once they applied for assistance got constantly ridiculed by the public for being a lazy piece of trash who was not willing to work. How am I nit picking? I asked you for a solution and you have none. I then said okay if you hate it so bad do things that will stop you from having to wear a mask. Shop online, work from home etc. These are things I do because I hate wearing masks. You do have the right to complain never said you didn't. I just think it is silly when all you can offer is complaining. I hate wearing masks also. Nope it is not. Next time do not cite unreliable sources sound good? Neither am I. So then since you are complaining about wearing a mask you are saying we should not wear masks then? Since people are getting covid wearing masks lets just abandon the masks then is that what you are saying? It is silly to complain about something and not have some sort of solution. If you feel this strongly about wearing masks do most of your shopping online. Get a job that lets you work from home. I do curbside pickup and delivery services because I can't stand going in wearing a mask among huge crowds. See but that is just it, whatever happens it is going to upset a group. If we mandate there being no masks it will upset people, if we mandate to wear masks it will upset people. There is no solution that is going to satisfy everybody. This is my problem people moan and groan about how they don't want things yet when asked what they do want they will not give you an answer. So let me ask the question again what is the answer? No you didn't. Toy Story, Lord of the Rings, Godfather and Star Wars rank above it on that list you provided. We disqualified LOTR, Toy Story, and Godfather. That still leaves Star Wars. So um? We are using your criteria now though not that list's criteria. If we go by that list's criteria it is not even close to being number 1. Therefore the list is not reliable according to your criteria. Okay then let people do whatever they feel is necessary. You do what you feel is right and others can do the same. So then are you saying we should just not wear masks period? Listen to what you are saying. You explained which says it is according to your criteria. If you said this list proves TDK trilogy is the best and it was at number 1 you would have a case. We are debating how the list proves it to be the best not what your personal opinion is. According to that list Star Wars is a better trilogy. No I found out you contradicted yourself. Where did I ever deny it being considered a good trilogy? Never did. You said that list you provided proved it to be the best trilogy ever made. Not one of THE best. Problem is on the list you provided it is not number one several trilogies on that list placed above TDK trilogy. We omitted the ones you chose to yet Star Wars is still ranked above it. Admit it you contradicted yourself by saying that list proved TDK trilogy to be the best when it is not number 1 on that list. Where people go and film publicly to see if that legal constitutional right is respected. Lol I thought so. Next time you provide a list to prove TDK trilogy is the best make sure it is ranked number 1 on the list you are citing. Epic fail! How so? You explained your reasoning. Key word there your! You said THE list you provided proved TDK trilogy was the greatest trilogy ever. That is a contradicting statement since that list has the original Star Wars trilogy rated above it. These are facts. You considering it the best trilogy ever is not what we are debating. We are debating whether that list proves it is the best trilogy ever and that list which you said proved it was the best trilogy ever has Star Wars above it. So what you said was untrue. That list did not prove TDK trilogy is the best ever. You personally think it is and are entitled to think so. That list does not support that notion. It has nothing to do with whether I accept your reasoning or not, it has to do with what you said was solid concrete proof that TDK trilogy was the best ever is not supporting that claim. It proved nothing actually. If that list had TDK trilogy at number 1 and then you said according to this list it is you would have a platform to stand on, unfortunately though that is not the case. That is not the point though. You openly said that list is proof that TDK trilogy is the best trilogy ever. Original Star Wars trilogy ranks above TDK trilogy on that list you provided. So how is that proof it is the best ever? Even said though bud lets say you are right. Okay Indiana Jones is not a trilogy, the original Star Wars is a trilogy by your own admission. On that list you provided it has Star Wars above TDK trilogy. We omitted LOTR, Godfather, and Toy Story. However that still leaves the original Star Wars trilogy above TDK trilogy on that list. So how did that list prove TDK trilogy was the greatest trilogy ever? Okay then the original Indiana Jones trilogy is a trilogy see how that works? You don't get to omit the other Star Wars films which take place in the same continuity but then omit Indiana Jones because there is a fourth film. Even with that said though okay then the original Star Wars trilogy still outranks TDK trilogy, since we are going off that list you claimed was proof TDK trilogy was the greatest ever. So I ask again how is that list proof that TDK trilogy is the greatest ever when the original Star Wars was ranked above it? Star Wars is not a trilogy? You then say it is? Is it or not? Technically all 11 movies are part of the same continuity. This is not like Nolan's Batman and Burton's Batman where they do not take place in the same continuity. All the Star Wars films are connected by continuity. The originals, the prequels and the Disney films. Why can't you do the same with Indiana Jones? You are ignoring continuity with the Star Wars films by not including the prequels or the Disney films. Impossible to do with Indiana Jones? Please explain. Second okay even if I accept that, that list you provided has the original Star Wars ranked above TDK trilogy. So how is that proof that TDK trilogy is the best ever when that is ranked above it on the very list you provided? You are picking and choosing. You just said the original Star Wars can be subdivided into a trilogy well by that list it is ranked higher than TDK trilogy. So how did that list prove TDK trilogy is the best?