einsteinfountain's Replies

If it gets passed then it would be perfectly legal and would not be considered stealing. So does that mean I get stolen from when paying for the police, fire department and schools for people I do not know? I never said socialized medicine would fix any of that. I do think it would help the country quite a bit though. See and there you go you have no answer to that either. Life is not fair and nor do I expect it to ever be. The problem is you guys go well life is not fair therefore lets just keep things the same and not try to improve things. With that mentality we would be stuck in old ways of thinking. Life is not fair but you do your best to make it as fair as you can possibly make it. I have never collected welfare in my life and had a parent who worked 2 and 3 jobs and was single that worked every day to support us. We got called trash, lazy and scum because we did not have money. Despite us never collecting welfare we got looked down upon because we were poor. As I stated earlier some people did not work hard or have superior skills, some people got lucky and had a rich parent. That is simply the luck of the draw. Maybe that parent scammed their way for their money who is to know. I am not saying some did not achieve it by hard work but not every person did. If you left it up to these corporations they would suck up all resources and not pay anyone anything. Government has to get involved or else they would screw us over. Jeff Bezos did not pay his workers hardly anything until Sanders and co forced him to. How much does Amazon make again? Well again I can say well I do not want to pay for roads, police, fire, and k-12 education. Why is it we can't selectively choose which we want to fund? Sociaism is so bad but I bet you anything people do not hesitate to cash their social security checks. Nor I bet did anyone who got their stimulus return it. So you do not believe in social security, farm price supports, and bank deposit insurance then. All that was called socialism. Just because I want my country to do better does not mean I hate it. I simply do not like the healthcare system. Every opportunity? No some people get better opportunity than others do. The problem with the war on drugs is it slaps legal fees on someone and throws them in a prison. Then once they are up to their eyeballs in legal fees they get out and have a felony on their record. So then it becomes difficult to get a job and then it makes it easy to relapse back into doing drugs. I believe in personal responsibility as well, but it is not that black and white. I pay taxes for all the other things like cops, fire department, and schools for people I do not know... I do not see how that is so much of an outrage. Oh and how did I know that socialism was going to come up? The cookie cutter scare word. https://historyhub.history.gov/thread/8516 Thank you for your question regarding the quote about Truman and socialism. In President Harry's Truman's remarks in Syracuse, New York on October 10, 1952, he said this: Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years. Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called social security. Socialism is what they called farm price supports. Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance. Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people. When the Republican candidate inscribes the slogan "Down With Socialism" on the banner of his "great crusade," that is really not what he means at all. What he really means is "Down with Progress--down with Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal," and "down with Harry Truman's fair Deal." That's all he means. Where did I say I wanted to steal people's money? I said not everyone who has wealth did it by hard work that is all. You never answered my question though. Why is there so much medical debt in this country? Apparently those agencies that help those people is not enough to resolve the medical debt issue in this country. See I love this anytime I point out that not everyone got rich by hard work, people such as yourself immediately pivot to it is not your money who are you to tell them what to do. I simply get tired of everyone assuming that because someone is rich they did it by hard work. There are those people that got rich by very unethical ways. Someone should not look down on someone because of their income, not once did I ever say that I wanted their money. I am simply pointing out that I do not think America should be a place where it is for the wealthy and those who can't afford things get screwed over. People like me are not asking to live a luxurious life sipping on Margarete at Hawaii while getting a massage, and expecting a free ride in life. We are simply asking for a chance to afford medical expenses that is it. The people who have that kind of wealth lives would not change much. They can still live those luxurious lifestyles living at Hawaii. If Bezos gave up half his money would he still be rich? That is why you prioritize what needs to be done and what does not. If it is not life threatening or altering you put them to the back of the list. Do you know how many people die because they refuse to go to the doctor because of medical bills? Canada runs perfectly fine. As does Sweden. See but it isn't a choice for those of us that do not have kids. You could take it a step further and say you know what I do not use the police or the fire department therefore I do not want to pay those taxes either. I think it is morally wrong for there to be billionaires in the world when there are people who are starving and can't eat. Drug abuse is made worse by America's war on drugs. Gigantic failure. Just curious what led you to think this way? Elaborate if you would. Not saying I disagree I just want to know where you are coming from. See but the problem is some health conditions are not caused by a personal choice. Some people are unlucky and get cancer or other various forms of medical issues. Not all medical issues are self inflicted. I do not share that mentality that I do not want to pay for anyone else's healthcare. So it is basically saying it is every man for himself. What if someone was to say hey I do not have any children it is not my responsibility to pay for some other person's education? It becomes a selfish self serving mentality. The way you paint it is as if all medical issues are self inflicted. Your way of thinking would be fine if everyone's body worked the same and people had little to no health issues and you had a good paying job to cover yourself whenever issues do arrive. Not everyone got rich by hard work though. Some people inherited money. If so why is it medical debt is such a big problem in the US? So the law is the only barrier holding you back from saying the legal one is invasive? So if it becomes legal tomorrow to put a snake where they do not belong all is perfectly fine? I have read history which is why I do not agree with your assessment. Nothing is free but our healthcare system needs some work. Other countries have more affordable healthcare. There are people who simply can't afford to pay for insurance. Sometimes it has nothing to do with whether they are lazy or not. Healthcare is one of the only things in this country that is privatized. Schools, fire department, police, roads etc are funded by taxes. You can't deny them but when they go in for surgery or whatever medical expense they get billed a bill they can not pay. If they can not pay it the taxpayers still eat it. So you are paying for the cost of private insurance and those who can't afford their medical bills. You can not govern someone's health. If someone wants to eat donuts, cheesecake, drink soda and smoke they will find a way. Okay and are the illegals the only contributing factor to the debt in this country and our economy? Okay but that does not mean doctors are being paid 15 dollars an hour. I do think doctors should be paid well but our medical system needs lots of work. Also in Canada the average annual salary is 281k for family doctors, 360k for a medical specialist and 481k for a surgical specialist. I am not sure how that is penny pinching. They do have a difficult job, very stressful. No one can generalize though and say all doctors in the US are good or bad though. There is good and bad as we both agreed. Nope it was a serious question, nice assumption though. Okay then how much money have the illegals cost the country? Well many should take the high road but do not. A peaceful protest is not acceptable to people therefore we get cancel culture. What happens is one group gets treated unfairly by the other and then they say forget it and then anarchy and chaos ensues. A Malcolm x type mentality comes into play when no one will treat you fairly and with respect. Which is also an immigrant... Lets try and keep this civil shall we? So let me ask the question again. How much money do you think the illegal immigrants have caused? That more clear? One that is anecdotal. There are more people that exist outside of your world. I did not discredit you do not discredit me. I have talked to both sides of the spectrum that will unapologetically cover for their base. Which is disgusting. I do not support a politician blindly. I felt there were better candidates than Biden or Trump... Okay let me ask a question then why don't people grant that same liberty to the black lives matter stories? Whenever they do something wrong no one ever thinks well maybe it was a republican or there is more to it. Immediately they get demonized but when it comes to this there must be more to the story. I am not saying there isn't I just find it odd that group gets a skeptical eye where as the other does not. Calling them Trump supporters? I believe their actions and the things they were saying made people come to the conclusion that they liked Trump. Now do not misunderstand me I am not saying all Trump supporters do that but wasn't it obvious why someone would think they were for Trump given the things they were saying? Just like how republicans are gleeful whenever black lives matter does something wrong. It discredits a party or group. I called out black lives matter for their wrongdoings when some wouldn't. Just like how I call out that riot at the capitol and some will not. I think the focus is in the wrong area. How much money do you believe immigrants are costing the country? You know from experience? Where are you getting that doctors will be paid 15 dollars an hour from? Also some doctors do care about lives but there are some that are only in it for the money. Like everything there is good and bad. What do you feel is a good middle ground then? Okay perhaps I should have worded it differently. Are you against it coming out of taxes as opposed to it being private insurance?