MovieChat Forums > seagal72 > Posts
seagal72's Posts
Anyone got the new UK 'Second Sight' 7 disc Blu-ray set?
Trash Masterpiece
Given that 'Antifa' and 'BLM' are attributed to Trump....
Connery looked a lot younger here?
Looks like Klaus Kinski
Lazy, biased and (most importantly) unfunny
Forget Wiseau......Neil Breen is where it's at
Great Actor (and action star)
Needs a Blu-ray boxset release
One word............R*C*ST
What....No posts for this great actor?
Wow....first post for this (living) legend
Anyone prefer this to the first movie?
The ending always melts my heart
First post for this awesome musician and singer (wow!)
Deep Blue Sea 2 was far better
How dare this oxygen-thief mock Seagal Sensei???
kung-Flu (in widescreen)