MovieChat Forums > xhonzi > Replies
xhonzi's Replies
I didn't tend to think of it as a reboot either, but I thought it was playing with the idea that James Bond was an alias for whomever was designated 007.
Judi Dench's M it's probably the biggest obstacle to thinking of it as a reboot. There seems to be continuity from her Brosnan films.
And the rest of the Craig movies work very hard to undo any doubt that his name is in fact Bond.
But how the first 15 or so movies could take place between Quantum and Skyfall- was there a second cold war? With no cell phones?
I guess reboot is the only thing that begins to make sense.
But it's not a problem for me. I gave up on Bond movies after License to Kill, and then again after Tomorrow Never Dies... Quantum was maybe an interesting bridge to an end of a Quantos trilogy- but instead we got Skyfall- which made me give up on Bond once again. And probably not for the last time.
You're probably right. But it's not like he was starting from scratch. He was already highly skilled in other forms of combat.
I think it was always intended as part of the progressive utopian future... Where world hunger, war, poverty, racism, and all other ills of the 20th century had been done away with.
My knowledge of The Original Series is not encyclopedic enough to say when or how this was ever explained in the show.
As the movies (starting with 2) became even more focused on military action adventure stories, TNG doubled down on the utopian future, giving the Captain a right hand empathetic counselor, and degrees in diplomacy and debate in place of Kirk's "kiss or punch" "diplomacy".
I do think the "no money" thing paints the writers into a corner fairly frequently. Drama is driven by conflict, and removing money removes a lot of potential for conflict.
Didn't stop McCoy from hiring a private ship to Genesis in Search for Spock though...
Yeah, I guess it is. There are several weak attempts I can make at explaining it, but they all leave something wanting.
I will iterate these attempts, now:
Home is getting Spock back in his right mind.
Home is returning to their present, after a trip to the past.
Home is a trip to the 20th century, where the cast, crew and audience call home.
Home is the crew being reinstated after being grounded.
Home is the new Enterprise.
Home is where they're headed at the start, but they must detour through the past to save the present before they get there.
That last one is perhaps the closest to satisfactory... But only if the title were sightly amended to: A Funny Thing Happened on the Voyage Home from Vulcan.
It's had me thinking... Does American care about me? I don't think it does... but I've never thought about this before. Should it care about me? I don't think so...
By "America" does she mean "the federal government"? Or "other Americans"? Regardless- I don't expect either to care about me.
Or am I thinking about this wrong?
"Alt-Right Fascist SJW"
Is that a thing?
I think you're right.
It makes Darkseid look like a chump too.
I don't think so. I thought it was pretty clear he was trying to destroy financial data in an effort to force society to roll back to a less technical time- more like the dark ages.
He is presented as an idealist- thinking his actions are extreme but ultimately for the good of mankind- and the kids are just a way of buying himself enough time to finish the job. If the kids blow up with the bomb, that's an acceptable regret- but killing the kids is not any part of the goal.
Oh, in that case.
Seems to have worked out well for him.
Cavill could be a very charming Superman if a writer or director would let him.
Have you seen Man From U.N.C.L.E.? Halfway through that movie, I thought- this guy would be the perfect Superman. Then... I remembered.
Why did he turn his guns on the kids anyway? Surely his goals had nothing to do with killing 20 school kids.
It was distracting.
I'm not sure if the other heroes have their own themes... Probably not since Superman was the only other hero to have a solo movie before the teamups. Perhaps if they had all had movies, with themes- they would have used each of them to focus on each character.
The other problem was that the theme was so unique- it really stands out. It's also pretty rad! A victim of its own raditutde.
Next you'll tell me he wants to release it in Black and White!
And 240i!
And mono!
I still don't believe it.
Didn't you know that giving people other people's money is the height of morality and compassion?
You do realize that your two eye balls see more to the left and right than they do up and down, right?
Well... That's not remotely close to true.
I know what you mean... But black bars can mean just about anything.
Yeah, I agree.
I like that this new phase is showing some of the characters have a little downtime, and they're suffering and trying to move on- and we get to see that as opposed to just immediately thrown into the next even-bigger-world-ending event.
I think he may have been speaking geo-politically.
"Allies" has a particular meaning when you're looking at WWII paraphernalia.
But possibly Wanda?