MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > Was Darkseid really supposed to be in th...

Was Darkseid really supposed to be in that flashback? (spoiler)

Darkseid wielding a spear (something I can’t remember him doing in the comics) and fighting the armies of Earth felt awkward to me. Having him badly beaten by Ares (who is later defeated by Wonder Woman) makes him feel like less of an god-like threat. Plus, there’s the fact that he doesn’t seem to remember losing the Mother Boxes on Earth while talking to Steppenwolf.

It makes me suspect that Steppenwolf was always supposed to be leading the invading forces in that flashback and Darkseid was awkwardly shoehorned into ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ as fan service / to give him more screen time.

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I think you're right.

It makes Darkseid look like a chump too.


Eh, could be.

However, the lore explains it that Darkseid was over-confident and didn't expect the various disparate factions to unite and fight against his invading forces.

Remember, this took place thousands and thousands of years ago and was noted as the planet that fought back. Darkseid continued to conquer planets and rule galaxies, no doubt, probably noting he wouldn't make the same mistake again.

They also show that he's far more poised and less brash after that incident. I suppose it was Snyder's way to show that even Darkseid had some character growth since that incident.

They also make it known that it wasn't a common occurrence for something like that to happen to Darkseid's forces. So it was like a one-off instance of him being over-confident and letting his ego get the best of him and he paid for it.


I got the impression it was to show he wasn't as powerful then as he is now.


I just watched that scene and Darkseid didn't use his Omega Beams in the battle. So either he didn't have them then or it was supposed to be Steppenwolf the entire time.
