LiquidOcelot's Posts

Denzel Washington's son... The transgender looking protagonist... Timothy Olyphant was so bad in this Unpopular opinion: RDJ is annoying as Iron Man Anyone else's favorite Die Hard movie? Black people the original semites? What? Graphics not that great? Talia Death Scene the Worst i've Seen Was this Arnold's best performance as the Terminator? Priscilla Presley was 43 in this Better than Batman the Animated Series? The phantom punch by Sonny that misses by a mile... What was with the pedophilic connotations? Calling it T2 was a mistake Enjoyed this as a kid Who would you cast instead of Channing and Mila? Would they really dedicate a massive FBI team for one missing child? Why does she always look like she's about to burst into tears? The twist felt cheap Kojima has lost the plot