As far as I am concerned, this is his ONLY performance as 'a terminator'.
In any case, one bit always bothers me, that he could've done better. The people making this movie supposedly thought it was brilliant that he made his eyes look like he's scanning the environment, but it doesn't look as robotic and cool as it could.
You see, human eyes don't move smoothly normally, they fixate on a point, then they fixate on another point, etc. You can see this in his movements, so it looks too 'human'. To make it look more robotic, someone should've MOVED a point where his eyes are fixated on, and that would've made his eyes move SMOOTHLY side to side, back and forth - now, THAT would've been cool. Such an easy trick, and THEY DIDN'T DO IT. AAGH!
I have done it many times to test it.. it looks really neat, try it yourself. They ABSOLUTELY should've done it this way. I always dream of a parallel Earth, where this has actually been done, just to know what it would've looked like.. sigh..