Sidha108's Replies

Unless Silver lies about the severity of his illness I could imagine Terry rising out of the explosion revealing that he survived. I would like to see the villain from The Next Karate Kid return to get revenge against Miyagi Do for ruining his student security guard program 30 years ago. They should have had a baby when Andrew’s character originally wanted to and then she should have gotten the hysterectomy after the birth to solve all of their problems Yeah, it was good, but the time jumps threw me off a few times not knowing if it was past or present. It also was confusing when he mentioned being divorced at the restaurant and then when he proposes to her after her diagnosis since I thought they were already married at this point. Maybe Julie will show up too if this takes place on the East Coast Maybe it will be addressed in the new movie and be Daniel’s catalyst for going to Asia I thought Silver would rise from the flames after the explosion. There is still the new Karate Kid movie, and the producers allude to there possibly being more in the franchise in the future in the Behind the Dojo special feature, so she could be involved in a later installment. Antz is good if you see it as a Woody Allen movie not a traditional family animated film. It would be interesting to take the unknown secret identity further with her dating Bruce as Pamela Isley and then dating Robin as Poison Ivy with neither Bruce/Batman nor Dick/Robin knowing they are seeing the same woman. Yeah, they might as well have just said that Elle MacPherson is Chase since they already recasted Val Kilmer from the previous film. I would like to have seen Pamela Isley have a relationship with Bruce or Dick in the film so there could be the dramatic irony of the romantic characters not realizing their partner is actually their enemy, like Bruce and Selina in Batman Returns. She’s hot in that one too, especially the part where she crosses her legs and later when she is dressed as a prisoner. She’s definitely hotter when she has red hair or dark hair. Yes, she is incredibly hot as Poison Ivy, especially in the green latex which gives excellent views of her bodily features, specifically her ass and camel toe. She also is mesmerizing as Medusa; her facial structure and wide eyes also makes her uniquely attractive. Interesting observation. Maybe any movie titled Avengers has to have a hot red-haired girl in a black catsuit. Pudding Harmonium Yeah, it did seem like in the mid 2010s there were quite a few examples of movies where they make a big deal about accepting the female character as the leader probably to condition audiences to have Hillary Clinton as the president which everyone thought would happen but ended up not happening. One that comes to mind is Incredibles 2, released in 2018 but probably in production since 2015 or 2016, and features a storyline about the characters having to accept the wife as the leader. Also infamously the 2016 Ghostbusters movie Interesting you mention the political party in power being a factor. I always assumed that the Last Jedi was made under the presumption that Hillary Clinton was going to be elected president in 2016, and Holdo was supposed to be an allegory/political statement for Hillary Clinton as President in an alternate 2017 when she would be serving her term. He was in one of the Scream movies as well I always thought he looked like Orlando Bloom when he was on Homeland His Nixon, JFK, and Snowden films were pretty good for presidential/political biopics. Something similar with Trump’s presidency would probably be on that level. Douglas’ casting would also be perfect since his character in the Wall Street movies is inspired by Trump in the 1980s. Still think Oliver Stone could make a great Trump biopic, especially with Michael Douglas as Trump