Sidha108's Replies

Was Ivy a virgin? She comes off as sexual but it seems like she has no sexual experience or interest in sex before transforming into Poison Ivy Was Uma naked underneath her costumes or did she still wear underwear? Season 4 Season 5 Season 3 Season 1 Season 2 I always liked the scene in The Little Rascals when he says “Waldo, you’re the best son money can buy.” The Santa Clause Some ideas: - he scares George in the middle of the night by pretending to be “Harry Potter” and it inspires George to later write his own Wizarding World book series/movies - Definitely “Smells Like Teen Spirit” for the song Marty plays in 1990. Maybe Marty gets rejected for his music in 2020 because he is into classic rock and his school and other local venues only want rap and Taylor Swift-style pop and won’t give him a chance to show his musical talents - Everyone thinks Marty’s phone is some kind of super advanced Apple Newton - Marty uses the alias of Leonardo DiCaprio - Time Machine is a Tesla is some how connected to an app on Marty’s phone and he has to find a way to get the time machine feature to work when he loses his phone and/or it stops working - Marty struggles to use an old computer and old phone and no internet - Marty watches Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson on TV with his mom’s family and they all act completely normal like there is nothing wrong about him Maybe they could incorporate his age into the story. Perhaps Q has some disease that causes him to age rapidly and he wants to spend his remaining time with Picard before his existence comes to an end and maybe pass the torch onto his son Q2. Yes! Perfect example of an attractive woman made to look ugly. Also Uma Thurman in her scenes as Pamela Isley in Batman & Robin is another good example of how an actress of “goddess”-level attractiveness can be made to look unattractive. Maybe if they did actors of multiple genders and ages like the actors playing Bob Dylan in I’m Not There. Glover also played Andy Warhol in the Doors. JL is more attractive than JJ but she definitely could look like her with the right hairstyle and clothes. It seems like in most musical biopics the actors are better-looking than their real-life counterparts (i.e. Lou Diamond Phillips as Ritchie Valenz in La Bamba, John Cusack as Brian Wilson in Love & Mercy), so it would be fitting for JL as well in portraying JJ. I think he was trying to say the guy is fat like a cow (“livestock”) so would only go out with other “livestock.” Maybe she practices with a popsicle. Haha. Maybe her lips and tongue would get stuck like when someone puts his or her tongue on a metal pole in winter. Wouldn’t his private parts be ice cold though? Also Ivy probably can control the secretion of venom and still kiss without killing if she really wants to get intimate. Almost Famous Uma Thurman. She even wore a similar black spandex outfit in The Avengers (1998). Disney wanted Rey to be the next Katniss so why not cast Jennifer Lawrence in the role? There was a missed opportunity to have Mr. Freeze and Penguin team up as villains since both are ice villains. It would make more sense for them to share an ice lair. A Christmas setting would work well especially with Freeze having his goons watch the Snow Miser scene from The Year Without a Santa Claus.