Flik’s voice actor

Was Dave Foley always the first choice for the role of Flik in A Bug’s Life? He does a fine job, but he seems less famous than the rest rest of the cast, especially in retrospect. Also his casting seems to be strange since the previous Pixar film (Toy Story) had Tom Hanks as the main character, so one would think to try to follow that success, they would cast a famous actor in the lead role of a Bug’s Life as well. Was someone more famous originally supposed to play the part of Flik?


Pixar nearly always cast for talent over star power.

Compare the the casts of A Bug’s Life over Dreamworks’ cynical rival Antz.


Antz is good if you see it as a Woody Allen movie not a traditional family animated film.


I remember it being mediocre with poor animation, cynically rushed out to steal A Bug’s Life’s thunder, hoping to dazzle audiences with its star wattage.

Time has told which is the superior film.
