MovieChat Forums > Volodymyr Zelenskyy Discussion > What's up with all the putin trolls here...

What's up with all the putin trolls here?

I'm not talking about the dumbfuck mc alt-reich-regular peabrains. Are this actually Putin bots or is it just coincidental spamming. Thoughts?


It probably means Russia is on the cusp or another "goodwill gesture" pullback from somewhere like Bakhmut. They have to do everything they can to change the subject.


Most Americans support Russia. Support for Ukraine is confined to the same percentage of the population that supports Drag Queen Story Hour. It is simply that that percentage of the population controls 99% of the media so the overall perception of what is going on inside America is very skewed to outsiders.


You could be right. When comparing Biden rallies vs Trump rallies - you really have to wonder.
With youtube turning off the 'dislike' button - a lot of steps are being taken to keep the narrative alive.


Most Americans support Russia.

No they don't. Most Americans are neither far left nor far right. Support for Ukraine is pretty strong among voters on both ends of the spectrum. It's only the extreme edges of the left and right wing making most of the anti-Ukraine noise. Trump supporters aren't even close to a majority in the United States, as the last the 2016, 2020, and 2022 elections amply proved..


Trump won the 2016 election and they needed to create special rules and unprecedented propaganda in order to barely eek out a victory in 2020. And remember that a large portion of Biden's voters are non-English speaking migrant voters who don't even know where Ukraine is on a map or what a Ukraine even is. So basically 50% of the country supports Trump and Russia. And then of the 50% that votes with the regime only maybe 1/4 of the country total supports Ukraine.


Just because you are fascist and support nazi russia doesnt mean all Trump supporters and republicans are the same. Dont project yourself on half the nation.

And dear person. If republicans will put DeSantis in president chair - he will do absolutely the same that democrats do in supporting Ukraine. Because russia is American enemy. And all republicans will vote in Senate and Congress. And bunch of few crazy nazi trumpists will look even move stupid with their pledge to russian poor mans hitler.


Trump is the most popular figure in the history of the Republican Party. The most popular Republican Political Commentator (by far), Tucker Carlson, also opposes Ukraine. The only people that support this George Soros backed war against Russia and Christianity are people like Mitch McConnel and Mitt Romney and they are utterly despised by Republican voters.


Trump is finished, forget about him. He is now Obama, Hillary Clinton and George Bush. Has-been. He can retire now. They will never let him back in power.

Republicans voted for Trump because there was no one out there to fight democrats with their extreme wokeness. Even people who didnt like Trump but he was republican candidate. Now they have DeSantis and he will win over Trump.

Tucker Carlson hates wokeness so much that he became traitor of USA and literal supporter on nazies. You cant get lower then that. "Useful idiot" its called.

If republican party will not deal with its traitors and russian agents inside their party they they will not win elections. Their voters will just stay home. Because republicans are patriots and "surrending to nazi russia that hates USA and wants to destroy it" is not what patriotism is.

They lost Senate despite protections they will take it.


Do you mean people who support Putin, or people calling everyone who doesn't support the Ukraine war a Putin puppet? I've seen a lot of trolls accusing people who don't support the war to be Putin/Russia-lovers.


Its not "Ukraine war". Its nazi russain’s was against Ukraine.


Ukrainian Nazis have been documented for years. Only after the war started did the communist Democrat party/media try to rewrite history so they could generate support for their WW3. Kinda like they tried to change the definition of the word “vaccine” after the so-called Covid-19 vaccine failed completely.

This is what the communist left does. They have no ideas, no solutions. They seek power and control hence why they must control social media, news media, and the public education abortion.

If they were correct in their philosophies their views would stand up to scrutiny and free speech. They don’t.


Whatever political differences republicans have with democrats about the life in USA - they can sort them out without becoming nazi russian b*tches. Its truly unreal how can any sane person in USA support nazi russssa and its invasion of Ukraine. Do some republicans also support isis, taliban, hitler and other crazy and terrorist regimes and people?

Like seriously - what is wrong with you? How can you woke up one day in February and decided that in the name of your party fight against democrats you now must become nazi supporter?


The Nazis are Ukrainian, not Russian. As has been documented for years.

Go gaslight elsewhere for your WW3 masters.

Leftwing media source Reuters had no issues discussing Ukrainian Nazis, in 2018.


Go get the help you obviously need, nazi.



go back to nazi russia, bot


Here’s another article from 2014 of Democrat media blaming the US for creating the Ukrainian Nazi problem. Lmao!


How about this one from 2015 from the USA Today, another Democrat party media rag. You’ve been owned.


go back to nazi russia, bot


You need to head back to the Ukraine troll farm school. If you were good at your trolling job, you would at the very least try to counter these accusations with alternative facts. I filed a complaint to the appropriate authorities about you half-arsing your duties. Your pay will be lowered moving forward.


No one is countering accusations of nazi russian propaganda from their trolls. Its useless. Because their mission is always to throw lies at people and then force people to make excuses and prove their innocence. After spending hours on that, searching facts and throwing them at nazi russian trolls - person finds that nazi dont care anymore and moved to another thread to throw new lies and accusations.

That why its useless to outargue nazi russians and people just ignore their trolling accusations. No one is opening your stupid links and no one will try to "prove" something to you ))) People just laugh at nazi russian trolls.


Rather than fixing the aforementioned replies, you've opted to respond to my comment. Another complained has been filed against you and your pay will be lowered further.

Do better, Emori. Do better.


LOL )))


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Seriously. This is ridiculous. And I cant even tell often if those are russian trolls on paychek or empty headed extreme trampists who just listen to Tucker Carlson all day and other republican bloggers on Twitter and sites and repeat.

I am truly shocked that people who labeled themselves patriots and were in hysterics over border and illegal migrants that would take over USA - have no problem surrendering same USA to nazi russia and just become their lap dogs and b*tches.

Its like split personality. Why on earth any sane person can support nazi russia? Its some Stockholm syndrome. This is so embarrassing.


The MAGA cult loves or hates whatever tRump does. It's that simple.


No such thing as Putin Bots or Russia bots. Israel however have been using bots and "man in the loop" to manipulate forums for years. I find it hard to believe that forum members belive the narrative from the mainstream media. Nato and USA, as an Israel proxy, is the aggressor here.


No darling. Its that you are racist and antisemite. ))))


Putin troll? Nah. I don't even like Russia. However, it's obvious zelensky is a scumbag. It's obvious that the vip's are using this bullshit war to profit off of. Fuck em all.


Sure Ivan.



The only bot here is you (and LogicalLeftist).


I sure hope you are a bot. Humanity couldn't have taken such a slide.
