Jsully9's Replies

Oh boy, plastic Fags! Instead of bitching about Roe vs Wade, liberal parents should get off their asses and teach their daughters how to have responsible sex. Liberal women, quit letting men use your pussy as a cum catchers. And Chris Evans is as sharp as a Marble. He's a tool. This cocksuck is a fucking joke now. Hey libs, how about learning how to control the dicks you put in you. Have your fuck partners pull out instead of using abortion as birth control Nothing to see here, the dumbfuck liberal Capitol Police, let people in. Nancy didn't want the NG, how about asking her fag loving ass, why she didn't use extra security. Long live over turning Roe...hahaha Sweet decision on Roe. SCOTUS please overturn gay marriage next. Let's get rid of all this leftwing fag and tranny shit. I'd rather be right wing than a Fag and Tranny loving sissy like you LGBFUSTFU libs...Long Live TRUMP! But it gave us plastic Fags, as if that shits not shoved down our throats enough already. This would mean she'd have to fuck Biden, and the world knows his dick is quite limp. Sure, she holds the record for having more dicks in her than the urinal at the Rose Bowl. Again she a fucking pig, who fucked her way into politics, as well as a seasoned cocksucker! Hes a fucking douchebag ... Because normal people are tired of having FAG, Dyke and Tranny shit shoved down our throats. Fuck this movie, I give the LTGBTFYOU less thought than scratching my balls. Colin Kaepernick! Hes a Fucking joke. A king of mediocrity. He lost the NFC Championship game and Superbowl in back to back years. He's exactly where he needs to be sitting on his ass WATCHING real Football Players. Kamala is a cum dumpster whore, who fucked her way to the top. She a PIG!! He is a fucking pencil neck geek. So now only retards can play retards? Here we go! We have to have gay, lesbian and tranny bullshit rammed down out throats, like a homo getting a cock in his mouth. Just another reminder this dope addict piece of shit, is dead. The world is a better place. FUCK GEORGE FLOYD. Is it hot down there? This is great, what a Fucking Dumbfuck! This fucking retard can't even ride a bike. What a colossal mess!