MovieChat Forums > Tom Hanks Discussion > When will the so called "actor" Tom Hank...

When will the so called "actor" Tom Hanks apologize?

To my recollection Tom Hanks has played a homosexual man with HIV without actually being either a) a homosexual man nor b) having HIV, he has played a mentally challenged person without being mentally challenged and I won't even get into what was going on with his character in Big - but surely it was NEVER acceptable for a fully grown man to be playing a child!

Anyway when do you think Tom will issue a statement formally apologising for taking roles from people who were 100% more entitled to be playing them than he was?


So now only retards can play retards?


Should he also apologize for playing really people like Sully or Disney? This expecting an apology is bullshit.

When will gay people apologize for playing straights?


Haven't gays effectively had to play straight their entire lives (until relatively recently when being gay has become more socially accepted)?

The apologising thing on Tom Hanks side is also a more recent thing whereby people are duty bound to apologise for playing roles belonging to the more socially oppressed, more often than not as an award baiting exercise.


No one is “duty bound” to do that.


Career bound then. But certainly a requirement which Tom appreciated...


Not required. Expected maybe by undeserving fanatics out to control others, but that’s bullshit too.


Maybe so but he's already apologized now, so control they do, bullshit or not...



WHY the F should he apologize? He did nothing wrong!

By your logic 90% of today’s actors should apologize for a role or two or three they took on.


It's not my logic, it's societies and more importantly Tom's own as well now. I already posted this earlier in the thread but he's already apologized since this thread was invented:-

One of the reasons people weren’t afraid of that movie is that I was playing a gay man. We’re beyond that now, and I don’t think people would accept the inauthenticity of a straight guy playing a gay guy.

It’s not a crime, it’s not boohoo, that someone would say we are going to demand more of a movie in the modern realm of authenticity,” Hanks added. “Do I sound like I’m preaching? I don’t mean to.

Basically he's saying that back in the 90s people were literally terrified of homosexuals, so his was a sort of acceptable back door entry into that world for the common man. But nowadays we demand more as a public and wouldn't accept the inauthenticity of a non gay playing the part, having no concept of the gay man / woman / thing(sorry not sure what the non binary term here is?)'s pain.


"He did nothing wrong" also applies to slave-owners from 200 years ago who are being chastized today. White Europeans who founded this country "did nothing wrong" (at the time) when the conquered the Indians in what was a "man eat man" world. None of that matters to the Left.

The left wants to apply today's morals and standards to 200, 500, 1000 years ago. At one time, Slavery was "normal and accepted", written about in the Bible and in our Constitution, and it was without moral shame.

I agree back when Hanks did Philadelphia, we didn't have this woke culture that demanded that actors can no longer "pretend". But if Liberals are going to apply today's standards on slavery and the slaughter of Indians (They don't like being called Native Americans), then the same must apply to Tom Hanks. He's evil and must go down.

I'm obviously talking out of both sides of my mouth, so I hope this makes sense. I love Tom Hanks. But the Left can no longer claim him as one of their own if they're going to be consistent with their morals.


So he’s played a homo, a retard, a drag queen, an army captain, and astronaut, gilligan, a merman, a toy, a train conductor.

So much appropriation, I’m literally shaking. Reeeeeeeee
