MovieChat Forums > Luis > Replies
Luis's Replies
No, it did not feel any episode of 24 to me.
And Mr Huston did not seem a baddie to me until they showed their actions. At that time was when I started suspecting the VP.
I just read that second link... Even if in the real occasion he did not say that to the Chief, the script writer must have thought it was true at some point he may have said to Princess Elizabeth, or Queen Elizabeth something about "the hat she was wearing." Enough to get royal darts from her eyes...
So even if he did not say what the show portrays him to have said, are you saying the real Prince Phillip could have?
I gather he could have said so in real life after reading your link to the Woman and Home article...
Oh but then you are stupid! You have not seen me yet you have only read my messages.
...and you are a troll.
But EVERYONE who criticizes anyone of their education... is ENVIUOUS, jealous, and RESENTFUL!
Ha ha ha HA HAAA Ha ha!
With 3 Masters degrees, I do not see how!
With the exception of The Patriot...
I was born in 1954 and I also Fucking disagree with your assessment of those movies!
Sorry to reply to this thread so late. In a different film, Gettysburg, Col Chamberlain's Sgt refers to him as Darling. I guess this being an "Irish expression" explains his use as well. Now I understand why...
If they had carried homing pigeons, they would not have succeeded in a short engagement as the attack was to have lasted. The pigeons would not have flown from 1st Para HQ to the bridge. They would have flown back to Great Britain. The same from the Arnhem bridge. They would not have flown to Division HQ but to Great Britain.
From there the communication from I Airborne Corps (Lieut Gen Browning) back to 1st Airborne (Maj Gen Urquhart) would have to be by radio, not by pigeons. And remember that Gen Browning moved his HQ to the battle area, I think it was to Nijmegen, as of the first or second day of the attack. Extending the communication chain very, very long. The pigeons would not have reached Browning.
I do not care, but without Jar Jar or Radagast, several battles would have been lost. And key characters would have died.
In reality, it does not matter that they are so negative. There was a goof by a director and / or his staff. Should have been spotted by someone. Other than me.
Why the heck do you watch Civil War films then? I do not like romances, so I do not watch them.
Actually it is a very real type of aircraft. But remember those on the movie were robots, they did not carry people. See real, flapping airplanes as you call them here:
And we could go on and on and on ad nauseam.
i. The Mystic.
No reason it had to be able to go as deep as the Arkansas. As long as the Arkansas didn't go any deeper than the Mystic's rated depth all would be fine. I'm not sure, but I think the Mystic was only taken on this specific mission for the sole purpose of extracting the Russian President.
Nope, initially they were going to rescue the survivors if any of the first American submarine lost which the Akula torpedoed. At the time they did not know that. Later the extraction of the President was added.
Actually, according to what Puerto Rico Police showed me at a terrorist demonstration a few years ago it is fairly easy to make bombs with lightbulbs! I will not explain the procedure so copycats do not make them.
Most of your response is accurate. That is, ammo and weapons were locked away, limited staffing, and so on. But I seem to recall it was more than two American planes, about 6 that got up. They were not taking off in any coordinated manner except Taylor and Welch who took off together. These two are the ones most famous pilots that day.
Yeah sure. PH CGI scenes look real...
1. Planes flying between hangars at hangar-roof height... When the real planes wingspan is almost as wide as the hangar is tall. The airplanes would have hit the ground!
2. The California capsizing... And the anchor chain does not move with the ship as it rolls!
3. The airfield control tower full of rust. No American base would have been as shi!t! as that base. If the idea was to leave the rust to represent fire on the tower, at least the control tower should have been painted by the CGI artist in the scenes before the attack.
4. The Japanese bomb that careens after hitting the ground with the fuze still moving after the bomb stops... That propeller-looking thingy in the fuze moves by the air only when the bomb is coming down. The bomb hits the ground, it is not moving through the air, the propeller-looking thingy stops moving!
5. That stupid maneuver the two American pilots going towards each other then moving apart so the Zeros crash... Bull!!t.
German officer's insignia was woven using a silver or metallic thread. Enlisted men's used white thread. Difference would be obvious.
The legal name of the United States is the United States of America. That is why we use America to define the United States. If the legal name of Mexico would be Mexico of America or of Canada would be Canada of America then you could be in a better place to argue that Americans are wrong to call themselves Americans.
Plus Americans sound better, like Canadians or Mexicans. What would you rather have Americans calling ourselves? Unitesians? Statists?