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Luis's Replies

It is propaganda ONLY IF THE GOVERNMENT PUSHES IT! How is 1917 paid by the government? If it is made or created by PRIVATE ENTERPRISE it is NOT PROPAGANDA! She thought he was contaminated. She did not want to get sick. Human instinct. Hope this late reply gets to you. Very much appropriate time. Myself, cannot get off my mind The Omega Man, or that I should watch I Am Legend, now. Depends on which kanone you are talking about. The 8.8 FLAK 36 was capable of firing 12 rounds per minute. But this depended on a fresh crew. However these were deployed by abteilung or battalions. One battalion had 4 kompanie or companies. Four companies had four guns each. 12 shells per minute X 4 X 4 = 192 shells exploding at any minute is plenty of FLAK. I am not sure how many rounds each 12.8 FLAK would fire, but I would bet it was about half that of the 8.8. The 3.7 FLAK is automatic. Would not reach as high as the 8.8. But again, being automatic weapons, rate of fire could easily be 130 rounds per minute. And they were not used alone, either. Expect at least three per kompanie. Do the math! 130 X 3 = 390 rounds per minute. I did not see the movie, the book's premise to me is stupid. But you do not play when American flyers said that FLAK was pure hell. The cigarettes you smoke are tainted with something, and have you dreaming nightmares! Again, more stupidity on your part. You cannot say <i>Top Gun,</i> <i>The Guardian, </i>or that all films from Hollywood are propaganda. The difference from<i> Five Came Back, </i>and why you cannot use that connection is simple. <i>Five Came Back </i>depicts five directors which were recruited and paid by the US Government to produce films for the war effort, depicting the US as victorious, and the other side as evil. That is why the movies produced by those five during the Second World War is considered propaganda. When you can show me that <i>Top Gun</i> was paid by the US Navy, that <i>The Guardian</i> was paid by the Coast Guard to represent them, then you can say "it is propaganda." But the directors and producers of these two films said "I think there are people that would like a film about the Navy... or The Coast Guard." So they will see these movies. So they will receive $100,000 for every $100 they invest. Not propaganda. Again, you are a MORON and an IMBECILE! You need more education. How old are you? Not very, right? I mean, in a lot of ways, Saving Private Ryan just didn't do it for me at all - just more propaganda. Ha ha ha HA HA HA! Propaganda is made by the Government. <i>Saving Private Ryan </i>was made by a PRIVATE entity. Not by the Government. So you are not only a moron, but an imbecile! History is not propaganda. By equating both, you are revealing that your education level is high school at best, and your age is not more than 20. More confirmation you are a... ...moron... Moron... MORON... MORON... <b>MORON! </b> Little late in answering, but in the Great Escape, all except three escapees were caught by Germans and shot "while trying to escape." No one helped them, however. The Great Raid was bigger than the Great Escape. Merry Christmas to you also, my deluded reader. The only problem to your "logic" or lack of it is that American soldiers act once others have fired first. Whether the WWII German soldier was a member of the Nazi party or not, when the name of Germany during WW II was Nazi Germany (English name) or German Reich (German name), the common soldier, airman, and sailor were supporting the Nazi Party control. Therefore they are to be vilified as well. Another moron stating that historians are wrong, that Germany and Willhelm only wanted "parity." That accounts of Belgium, after stating they wanted no part in the conflict, was invaded and conquered by Germany is wrong. The name of the country was Nazi Germany. The name of the regime was Nazi Germany. Therefore, whether they were Waffen SS soldiers or not is immaterial. In the end they were fighting for... NAZI GERMANY! So that made the Nazis... You are a troll, acting and commenting stupid. And you get an A or a 100 in this grammar test! My God, have you never made a typo? Of course I know the name is Excelsior! Why did you not address the points I made? They are not asking about the Fourragere. They are asking about a rope that hangs from a carabiner in some of the soldiers. Watch again the movie and stop at 49.50 and 50.30. I know this thread is 5 years old. No need to explain. Just like in real life, a president has his term up. Another won the election. Did I need an explanation when Trump was elected? No. Probably Trump wins next election, or he loses. That is life. After London Has Fallen and Olympus Has Fallen, all those hits and running around have finally started to look the time. Did you not get it? When the dr starts saying "You have to be careful?" Why not? In real life sometimes the most upright person is the one you would not suspect has cracked up at last. Now it his time to crack. As they say in the film, when he reached the high post of director was the time for him to plan something like this...