MovieChat Forums > tcrum > Replies
tcrum's Replies
thanks its gotten so much worse over the last few months. You just keep going.
ok after this I'm going to start a what wrong with you thread..
Ok got it. I read your last post. Your out there like me.. Cool.
Well then i guess the god of all presedents wasn't worthy.. Kennedy now who can we look up to.
It depends. Clinton and blow jobs in the white house is completely irrelevant. Kennedy doing every hot intern, irrelevant. If it affects his ability to do his job, that matters. Most of this stuff does not.
Well thank the love of god for Amazon Kindle text 12. If the book is boring I go to 10 just so I can skip the stupid stuff.
memento Chris Nolan
Who is Fred B. wow impressed. Laura I see you at the top allot too, so your impressive.
I don't know I guess this is my truely weird stuff. So my husband carried the credit card. I was never worried about lipstick , brush..I guess my question is why are guys not carry tissue, pen, gum..??? I've gotten by for 47 years no problem. I actually leave my wallet in my glove compartment. Always. Seriously who do you trust. Me or a 500$ alarm system. Anyway it works.
I was going to give a smart allec response but honestly I was married for 25 years and he always carried the money.. I'm guessing this is why i'm now in the process of divorce but who knows.
got it thanks. but still wow you guys are in the bowels of Imdb and pretending like its normal.
I will try but wow you guys now how to manipulate Imdb to your will.. I am impressed
ok I guess me and Imdb are going to become intimate friends.
I guess I don't need stuff. I'm not a lipstick person.. What else would I carry? In the past I was out with may husband . He had the
Under 700 votes thats a deal breaker. I Can't even begin, where to start???
Its weird that this is what makes me crazy , but seriously I have never carried a purse in 47 years.
What pockets. Am I carrying lipstick no, hairbrush no. I put my wallet in the glove compartment. My car has an alarm . Honestly I dont get it . Lipstick, hair brush..What am I carrying a purse for.. And this was before cell phones. My cell phone is in the glove compartment of my car.
You guys are hard core. Respect.
I know this is sad , but I really want my name on that list at the top.