MovieChat Forums > tcrum > Replies

tcrum's Replies

This is the movie that got me ok with reading subtitles. If you haven't seen it , A Tale of two sisters...2003. It has subtitles but if you haven't seen go in and just enjoy. Its funny I listen to allot of audiobooks at night and in the car. Regardless of the how good the book is that narrator is so key to enjoying it. I have tried countless times to listen to the True Blood audiobooks but the reader is just terrible. I can't do it. Funny I haven't seen Birdman but my husband just said today he couldn't get through it, boring, but he has no patience. I put that on the list to watch. No question you are right. I really did like Get out. I don't think it was on the level of Memento but it was the best of the last few years. I guess I was hoping we would have a movie in the last 10 years that made you think. I just watched Us, which I liked mainly because I had no idea where they were going, which is rare. The ending was good, not great, but at least they are trying to say something different. I started watching spiderman homecoming which was cute but I was just thinking I have seen this story so many times. There is nothing fresh left. I justs went through IMDBs highest rated movies since 2010, to make sure I hadn't forgotten some great movie. Wow that list is depressing. The Avengers really? Jim Dale who reads Harry Potter audiobooks and Judy Kaye who reads Sue Graftons Kinsey Millhone series. These guys could read the phone book to me and I would enjoy it. The Neighbourhood...Songs Flawless or Afraid..Scary Love many many more. Twenty One Pilots.. Songs Fairly Local and Semi-Automatic, Implicit Demand for Proof. These guys are scary good because they can do songs everyone likes Heathans, Chlorine and then pull out really deep stuff like Implicit Demand and Trapdoor. Linkin Park genius Evanescence genius Queens of the Stone Age..songs I appear missing and like clockwork These are the ones that I think really have something different to say that we haven't heard before. Lately...Twenty one pilots-Chlorine its an earworm. You will sing the hook in the shower. from the past... Midlife Crisis by Faith No More. I usually can listen to a song about 30 times before I get sick of it and move on. This site isnt enough. I mean Imdb was like a rock. I want to talk about how Us was amazing in the nature vs. nurture . Where is that board. I feel like we stepped back . Ok I'm going to try. I hate sites that make posting difficult. But I am confused, is this a movie site... Soap site what is this. Anyway I will introduce myself. Favorite old movie. Clash of the titans. Really old movie... Soylent Green.... Recent movie It follows. as you can see I am very picky. Favorite movie of all time , A tale of two sisters. Also look at Shes out of my life. Seriously sometimes the B songs are best with Genius. What are you trying to do. They will get you if you say Imdb was awesome. Its a cult save your self. you should listen to him sing ben you will cry. I'm going with the Lover. Pretty erotic.