MovieChat Forums > TheHungryHippo > Replies
TheHungryHippo's Replies
OK fair enough, I personally think he should always been played someone whose natural accent at least sounds British because when actors attempt to pull off different accents it usually doesn't turn out very well such as pretty much anyone in Legend of Baggar Vance or pretty much anyone in Cold Mountain.
Also casting a black actor just because "white actors have dominated the film industry for so long" is complete and utter nonsense and I'd go as far as to say that line of thinking is racist, you should cast the right actor for the role. Also if you cast a female actor then its no longer James Bond.
So you wouldn't mind if a white American was cast as James Bond?
Ummmmm OK good for you.
Just a heads up this guy is trolling you. He has a very unnatural obsession with me and he follows me onto every thread I post on and says the exact opposite of what I say. If I said I loved the force awakens he would say he hated it. It’s a very immature strategy and quite frankly a little creepy
Completely agree, why everyone seemed to love TFA back in 2015 I have yet to figure out. I mean freaking Chris Stuckmann goes "now before this there were only 2 Star Wars films I really loved (Empire and A New Hope), well now there's 3", and I was like are you freaking kidding me????
Yeah TFA sucks.
Overall I think I would rather watch TLJ but that's also like asking me would I rather drink ammonia or hydrochloric acid.
Both movies are bad but they are bad in different ways, I think the TFA offends me a little bit more though than TLJ.
SJWs are racist plain and simple. To them race is the most important aspect of a person.
The left seems to be the ones preoccupied with race, seems to be it’s the SJW progressives that are racist. Maybe they should be sent away to sensitivity training.
I fully endorse Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren as the Democratic nominee.
Democrats: I am begging you, PLEASE NOMINATE HER!!!
The worst is probably the way she treated Piama. And who was she to criticize the way Francis lived his life by that point? I seem to remember him emancipating himself.
And that one super hot chick has to be overly sexualized and exploited to the tenth power.
Yeah I think you are thinking of The View. But yes the entire cast should be replaced by either: A) Gay men, B) Transgenders or C) Females.
Except for the characters who are meant to not be respectable such as the photojournalist he should be played by a White Male, along with the people who assign Willard the mission who don't understand the horror the soldiers face in the field and they just sit in their nice comfy chairs drinking beer and eating steak while they order poor, innocent people to go out and die, those are definitely going to be played by White Men.
And of course we have lots of "angry black" soldier stereotypes, maybe have the Chief say in the most over the top acting "what kind of fuuuucked up mission is this?"or when the natives throw arrows at them he goes "you better not scratch my motherf-ckin boat or you and me are gonna have words bitch".
Or when one of the helicopters crash one of the soldiers turn to Kilgore and goes "woa man they just f-cked up your chopper"
Or maybe make Lance gay and Willard tells him he can't surf because they have to leave and then Lance goes "uh no surfboard, did they tell Picasso no brush"
Or maybe after Willard tells the crew about the mission he goes "look at the man next to you, one of you will not make it back from this mission, now who is with me?" And then they all start marching forward and the most over the top patriotic music starts playing.
Or in the very end Chef calls in the airstrike and as Willard is trying to escape the first bomb lands right in front of him but instead of killing him it just throws him into the air and he lands in the river without a scratch on him.
And of course we need to have a love triangle between Lance, Chef and Miss Playmate of the Year.
How different was it from the Redux?
Believe me the end in no way redeems all of the incoherent nonsense that came before it.
Sonny Corleone
Quantum of solace is so much worse
Diamonds could have worked for Lazenby as I would guess it would have tied into ohmss a lot better and been more serious. Plus like the entire budget for diamonds went into Connery’s salary so if they paid Lazenby more then they would have had more money to spend in other places.
However with what we ended up with I think Moore could have been a good choice for diamonds, the campy ridiculousness would have been a perfect fit for Moore