MovieChat Forums > TheHungryHippo > Replies
TheHungryHippo's Replies
Actually you know what if that’s how you choose to interpret the film then go for it
So why didn’t she stop the patients from pecking at each other? Why did she call out Billy for being suicidal? Why did she make the comment about Billy’s mother? How does that help anyone? She abused her power
It’s the methods she resorted to to keep said order is what makes her a villain
I never said he cured Billy , I said he helped him get confidence (even if it was just for a brief moment) the main point was that Ratched just couldn’t stand it that Billy stood up to her and that she was losing control of him. When she had control she came across as pleasant when she didn’t she was willing to hurt people to regain control, it’s like the joker said “when the chips are down people show you who they really are”
Don’t think she felt she had won, Billy had already stood up to her in front of the patients, they saw her belittle Billy and then was attacked by MacMurphy to the point that she had battle damage in the form of her neck brace. She was just broken emotionally and at that point her and MacMurphy were on similar levels, they had both been defeated by what they were fighting and had both suffered battle damage (neck brace, lobotomy) , MacMurphy though in the end won through the chief who was inspired by MacMuprhy to be able to live outside the hospital and in a sense passed on his spirit to him hence flying over the cuckoos nest
Macmurphy did help billy which is symbolized by how he got over his stutter, sure he didn’t cure him completely but he did help him. Ratched on the other hand knocked him back down just to feed her own ego.
I read the book a little over a year ago and from what I remember right before she made the comment about Billy’s mother she felt completely boxed into a corner and that was her only card left to play so she played it. She’s a really sick person.
Hank was a POS there's no denying that. I'm just surprised other people at the party who maybe didn't know him didn't freak out, Hank very easily could have had a negligent discharge, rule of thumb: Keep the gun holstered unless you need to use it. If you do that in public all it takes is one person going to the cops saying they felt threatened and you are going downtown in handcuffs.
If Walt or Walt Jr. wanted to see his gun he should have gone to a separate room, cleared it and then asked them to come in.
No I think he did correctly type Abrams.
Wow just wow, sounds like they are going the route of Episode VII, just do what will ever make the most money so I guess we'll have another bland, soulless film jam packed with plenty of nostalgia and call backs to the OT.
Yeah when he says "earn this" it sounds a lot more like "f-ck you"
See that was my favorite chapter out of the whole book.
Eh I could see some people finding the ending of Saving Private Ryan a tad corny and cliched. I personally liked it aside from the "earn this" line which I hated. Miller was just putting an entire guilt trip on Ryan which he didn't deserve, the kid never wanted nor asked to be rescued.
I liked Tom Bombadil but the biggest crime the film committed was omitting the battle of the Shire.
Plus they introduced several subplots but then just half assed them unlike how they were in the book so in the end the whole thing just doesn't make any sense (why are Eowyn and Faramir in love??? Why is Denethor so crazy? Why did Boromir want the ring so badly?). Honestly if you have to half ass something due to time constraints just don't put it in the movie, save it for the expanded edition and do it right.
I didn't mind Fight Club aside from the fact that it stars my two least favorite actors in the whole world.
I liked the premise, the supporting cast was OK but I really really hate Pitt and Norton. Se7en was better.
Does Trautman even get a shout out?
OK cool.
But yeah that's the point of this thread, to vent about films that you just don't understand why they are so popular and then have a discussion about it.
I was going to put The Rock on my list but I gotta admit the second half when all of the annoying characters are out of the picture it is actually good mindless fun.
Ummm no I was just commenting, I'm not attacking you for not liking Blade Runner 2049, the original actually took me multiple viewings to actually get into.
Wow I loved Blade Runner 2049, but to each his own I guess.