JarJar Abrams (and the image of the Gungan suits him) is such an incredibly inept filmmaker that E9 has over a dozen slightly different cuts of the movie, seeing as how JarJar cannot even make up his mind, and so they're going for test screenings to see which is the most likely cut to make the most money. The lack of new material also explains the pandering to nostalgia of the latest footage, because there's not much story.
Honestly, this Abrams git should be BANNED from making movies ever again, and I hope this bad movie finishes off his sordid "career".
Yeah, sometimes they'll have two cuts they show. Or they have one cut and make a different cut after test screenings. I don't think I've heard of a movie having over a dozen cuts. By comparison, Suicide Squad had three cuts it showed to test audiences.
Apparently someone has not heard of David Fincher. Anyways the more you complain about these Star Wars movies makes me like them even more. I hope you hate this one worse than Last Jedi. I am sure if that happens it will become my most favorite film of all time.
Abrams is The Recycler. What he does is just recycle all the 80's movie tropes he grew up with. That simple.
What he "liked" about Star Wars were all the cool ships, robots, costumes, special effects, etc. It's the stuff he likes, not the story, characters, etc.
His problem is his zero creativity, flat visual style, and lack of imagination.
You've mistakenly typed Abrams when you meant to type Lucas.
The prequels were poorly scripted films with no narrative tension, featuring characters who acted at random simply to get Lucas from point A to point B. All the effort was put into filling every inch of the screen with CGI beasts, robots, ships, and explosions.
The new films are character-driven. We spend time with the characters, and get to know who they are, and why they're that way. The focus isn't on CGI and battles so much as it is on plot. Even in comparison to the original trilogy, look at how much more we already know about Rey and Ren than we ever learned about Luke and Vader. The latter were archetypes, and most of what we "know" about them we already knew before we watched the movies, because we were asked to infer on them the attributes we'd seen in characters in previous films. In the new films, we're learning about them from their words, thoughts, actions, and interactions.
You appealed to popularity or the fact that many people do something as an attempted form of validation. The flaw in this argument is that the popularity of an idea has absolutely no bearing on its validity.
This hate you have for jj Abrams is rather disturbing, dude relax , its just a movie , there are other movies you can go see , stop acting like a little baby
You know this without even seeing it? Proof you have your mind made up before watching films. That destroys any credibility you might have had. Not that you had any to begin with.
Of course my mind is made up. I love the Stephen King book IT, have done for years. Liked the miniseries for years, but these new movies trounce it (hoping the second one will bury it). By comparison, Rise of Skywalker will conclude a bad trilogy that I honestly wish had never been made, with the benefit of hindsight. I didn't like TFA, thought TLJ was horrible, and what I've heard about ROS makes me think that it won't get any better.
I'm gonna see It Chapter 2 on opening day, no matter what. ROS, possibly a week later, even if there's nothing else to see. I think I'll wait for the reviews first.
There is sometimes a lot of entertainment to be had from watching an awful movie, sort of like "so bad it's good". I will eventually see ROS just to see how bad it could be, and to see if anything can be salvaged from it. I know the plot can't.
As I said you have no credibility. I find it funny those who have no credibility often speak the loudest. You don't get to be taken seriously after having your mind made up.
Too bad. Quit being closed minded. I can disagree with people fine it's when they are closed minded that is lame. Why should we listen to you let me ask that? Especially when you have shown you are closed minded.
Wow just wow, sounds like they are going the route of Episode VII, just do what will ever make the most money so I guess we'll have another bland, soulless film jam packed with plenty of nostalgia and call backs to the OT.
Sounds like he has a real singular vision for what he wants this film to be. What a joke. You're supposed to love your cut and go to war against the studio to get your version released. He couldn't care less about these movies.
The script module concept the guy in the video talks about is very interesting. Can't say I disagree with that strategy for big budget franchise filmmaking.
Yep, sounds about right. No conviction, no clear vision or path to resolve the mess. Jar Jar's simply testing out a jumbled mix of random ideas to see which ones are eventually deemed passable enough to skirt by.