How To Fix The Rise of Skywalker
#1 Call a big press conference. Say that TLJ is now no longer canon cannon and thus TROS is a sequel to some unrelated movie
#2 Hire a good writer for JJ to work with and have him flesh out Snoke, The Knights of Ren, Hux, Rey's heritage that explains her mastery of the force, and what Luke was doing hiding out. At the lowest point in this new movie have Rey join Kylo and turn to the dark side, to the dismay of the friends she's known for like a day
#3 Make a new third movie that resolves all the issues, with Rey sacrificing herself to save Kylo and Leia or something similar with Kylo, or even Luke sacrificing himself to save both of them.
Soooooo your saying you were not happy with Luke sacrificing himself to give time for the ice foxes to escape??