Sparky's Posts

Cotton pickin racial replacement Would love to see Taimak and others martial artist former stars in cameo roles at least Is imitation American cheese real cheese? The woke movement- a denial of white male superiority Democrats working toward killing off Trump voters Fetterman looks like a caveman and now his brains are scrambled FBI agent admits to destroying evidence against pro-Trump lawmaker Brian Stelter: the soy boy prototype? was it murder? Is there a p*do gene? Is there a cuter adult? Has there ever been one? Is the west's mass gender dysphoria attacking languages that utilize masculine and feminine forms? females were not this intolerable in the 80s portraying cia as the good guy- is this sci-fi? Doctors call to end cv19 'vaccines' - The Right Docs of History Tucker on Biden's fascism Leodicaprio is hitting on me in IMs