alienzen's Replies

They are making a Ghostrider TV series. There is actually potential for some setup from her first movie. She found out that her team mates for the last 5 years were actually all betraying her. Unfortunately this was played down to ridiculous levels in the movie. But it would make sense that she would have trouble working in a team again after that. And she is so powerful that she really doesn't need help from anyone. Then you put her in a situation where she gets nerfed and needs to rely on help from someone she had previously dismissed. you make a good film, and ignore the SJWs who don't even really like the genre anyway. If the film is good, people will watch, and you can ignore the moaners. I think they are smart enough to know that there are multiple factors that effect box office. The Winter Soldier didn't make that much money, but is a lot of people's number one MCU film of all time. The Russos were given the reins of the MCU about a year after that film came out I think. Thor: the dark world made about the same numbers globally, but they found a new director for Thor 3, because they could see that it was a weak film. Captain Marvel did good box office for every reason except the quality of the film itself. Kevin Feige is no doubt smarter than all of us when it comes to making movies, and knows this. Brie Larson has not endeared herself to the fanbase on or off screen. Captain Marvel needs to be fixed. They need new directors first of all. Also a Black Panther sequel. Aquaman is an man who breaths underwater. His name explains itself. Wonder Woman is a Woman who is a wonder. Wolverine has claws. Captain Marvel is not a captain and is not called Marvel or even Mar-vell. I think the problem is obvious. Also, none of those movies are MCU. In the MCU they have actually put in the legwork to make sure that the characters justify their names. They didn't just brush over "Captain America" or "Doctor Strange". Strange is his name, and he is a doctor. He makes a point of insisting on being called "Doctor" in his movie. They didn't have to do that. But they did. And actually there is a scene in Logan where pierce says "as I live and breathe, the Wolverine". And that film isn't even called Wolverine. I'm pretty sure it's referred to elsewhere, but I can't remember. I haven't seen Aquaman. I guess in Wonder Woman they were hamstrung by her appearance in Justice League. It would have had to be a name that was given to her by news outlets, like Iron Man. I don't see what that has to do with anything. I don't know of any other Superhero film where the name of the superhero is never even referenced in the film. Hawkeye's wife calls him Hawkeye in Age of Ultron. So actually all of the other heroes have been called by their superhero name except for Scarlet Witch(and quicksilver, but he is dead so whatever). Natasha is called "Widow". Ant-man says "it's the Falcon" in Ant-man. We also see the name "Falcon" on the files in The Winter Soldier. EVERYONE calls Steve Rogers "cap". Ant-man calls him Captain America all the time. Buck calls him "captain America" in the First Avenger. Obviously they are not going to use each others superhero names when they are talking intimately to each other. Clint's code name is Hawkeye. That's enough, we don't need to hear people calling him Hawkeye all the time. Iron Man says "I am Iron Man" in 3 different films. The newspapers call him Iron Man. In Spiderman homecoming the girls are talking about who they would fuck marry and kill and they say "Iron Man Thor and Hulk". We don't need to hear Nick Fury calling her "captain Marvel" in every sentence, we need to know how she got the name, or even if the name exists. It is weird. But they dropped the ball a lot of times in the film, on things that the MCU has already long since honed to a fine craft. I can only think that Kevin Feige was preoccupied with the two Avengers films when this was being shot, and didn't have time to correct all of the blunders they made. If you got your way, every Avengers film would be the same and the rest of the audience would be bored. Tony and Cap had trilogies to have character development. Hulk has only turned up in the Avengers and Thor Ragnarok. Kevin Feige said they wanted to give him a character arc over 3 films instead. They can't do that if he is just "Hulk Smash" in every film. Trying to service every character with 20 plus heroes in it is impossible and would ruin the film. Drax and Groot had about 10 seconds on screen the whole film. What about people who like those characters? Black Widow and Hawkeye didn't get any action scenes either. Rocket had no action. Black Panther got to carry the INfinity Gaunlet for a few seconds. Hulk/banner wore the Infinity Gaunlet. Thor had a big fight scene with Thanos. But you are still complaining. "Is that all Carol needed to be Captain Marvel? To lead some tiny squad before shooting off into space? " She was never actually the leader of the squad. She was a brainwashed captive. The title Captain America was obviously symbolic. He got given the name before he had anything to do with leading a military squad. He was a stage performer, and "captain America" was a gimmick. Then later in the film he rescued a squadron of soldiers and gained the respect of the soldiers, who then started calling him "captain america" as a mark of respect, where as it had previously been a jingoistic title. Iron Man lost to Thanos with 4 infinity stones. But more importantly, this was the last appearance of Cap and Iron Man. Thor and Hulk both got nerfed so that they could shine. They also had to fit a Captain Marvel cameo at the end, and Scarlet Witch went up against him too. But that's not enough and you have to have a Hulk fight too. Even though the hulk already ragdolled Loki, Punted Ultron and had a one on one with Thanos in Infinity War(which he lost). Apparently the only thing that would satisfy you is a rematch which the Hulk wins....which would made Iron Man's sacrifice redundant. The Hulk will continue in the MCU, and will have a chance for a grand finale of his own. But that won't satisfy you, because you want him to fight Thanos(again). "Wasn't she the captain of her team of Kree soldiers?" Firstly they never called her Captain. If this was in fact intended, then it's even more unforgiveable that it wasn't mentioned and that you have to ask this question. But given that she has no loyalty to the Kree, in fact the opposite, keeping her Kree rank title would make absolutely no sense from a story point of view. Why do you have to see Hulk and Thanos? He already lost to Thanos, and Thanos didn't use and Infinity Stone in the fight. This time Thanos had a sword. Why would he have come off any better? We saw Hulk ragdoll Loki and punt Ultron. How many times do you want to see basically the same thing repeated? They gave him character development instead. No, nothing to do with Shazam. I think it was just beyond the writers of the film to work it in. Considering how many elementary things they messed up, it's conceivable that they just ignored it to be explained in a later film, or didn't think actually giving her her superhero name in the film even matters, because they are not big comicbook fans. There is a precedent in the MCU, Scarlet Witch is never called Scarlet Witch. She hasn't appeared in a film called Scarlet Witch, Even her TV series is called "Wandavision", not Scarlet Witch. It is quite a difficult name to work in though. I think Tony called her a "witch" once or something like that. But "scarlet witch"? Kind of difficult. Also in the comics, "Spider Gwen" is never galled Spider Gwen, because Gwen is actually her name. So it would be a bad superhero identity. Maybe they didn't want to have two Captains while Captain America is still around? That's my last best guess. The Wonder Woman box office was much more of an achievement. The film came off the back her appearance in the disastrous BvS. It opened 50m less than Captain Marvel, which opened right before the biggest superhero film of all time, and got a bump in the last couple of weeks due to that film opening while Captain Marvel is still in cinemas. It's an achievement of the MCU in general, but not of this mediocre film. I was wondering if this would be addressed in endgame....but no. Given that the whole movie was sloppy, it doesn't surprise me that they didn't even bother to try to justify the name Captain Marvel. In The First Avenger they managed to do the legwork to justify the absurd name of "Captain America", but this film couldn't even bother to tackle the much easier task of giving her the mantle "Captain Marvel". All they had to do was make her a Captain, make her adopt the name Mar-vell, and have someone mispronounce it "Marvel". It's a bit weak if it takes 3 films to establish this. Assuming her next film even does this. Heh? I didn't alter the particulars of the scenario. I actually described the parts of the scenario that you left out. I just swapped WB for Disney and DC for Starwars. TLJ made a profit, but was considered a disaster, because the Franchise is now a shadow of what it was. Solo losing money was a direct knock on effect of the reception of TLJ. In exactly the same way Justice League lost money. "DC Comics net worth Like Marvel, the net worth of DC Comics isn’t readily available. However, we can estimate the company’s net worth based on a few factors. First, licensing revenue. Like Marvel, DC makes a hefty sum from retail sales. Batman is the most licensed of DC characters and made the company $494 million in retail sales in 2013. Second, movie sales. DC Comics makes an average of $224 million per film release, according to Indie Wire. Based on those factors alone, DC Comics estimated net worth is likely near that of Marvel." Not only was the profit of BvS way below the average, despite its bloated budget, it will have no doubt impacted the sales of Batman and Superman merchandise. Now show me your math.