alienzen's Replies

BP made 330. If you scale that the final box office, you get 730m. Less than Thor: Love and Thunder, and that movie was considered a flop. Expectations matter, otherwise you like the people who were claiming that 870m was a success for Batmna v Superman. MCU is on a sharp downward trajectory. It's only a matter of time before we get a Solo and the executives will suddenly panic. What? Aren't we talking about movies? How much did Doctor Strange make OW? First movie made $1.4B. This one will make about $700m. Half the Box office of the first movie==FLOP. Less than Doctor Strange, which ended up with $400m. Oveseas is predicted at $140m. Do the math. read post How can it not have anthing to do with white men, when it is about a policy of excluding white men from directing movies? Most talented directors are white men, so by exluding the most talented directors from directing Marvel movies, you are kind of guaranteeing they will be shit. And that is why you want to redefine racism is the most racist and divisive way possible. Yes, I am being stupid on purpose. What is your excuse? 1. Prejudice is to hold a preconceived opnion on pineapples 2. Discrimintation is action based on prejudice. 3. Discrimination mean hatred/dislkie of particular fruits 4. Racism is discrimination and persecution of pineapples, based on the power and legal authority of the pizza manufacturer in control of decided what toppings to put on pizza. Above is based on factual fact, and is fact. "You also claimed that Asian directors only do Asian superhero movies" lol. No. "The 95% you're talking about? Are those white men? You're talking about white men, so just say it." Who else would I be talking about? What? What? 4 movies about black characters with 4 black directors: Black Panther, Wakanda Forever, Captain America: new World Order, Blade. Just because 2 of them haven't been released yet, doesn't mean they stop existing. I don't know why you are typing all of this irrelevant drivel. I never complained about white male directors not getting work. I speficially talked about movies with black, asian and female protagonists. Protagonists. Pro.....tag....on...ists. Not ensemble movies. Not movies that feature black characters. My concern is the quality of movies that are being made by eliminating 95% of the available candidates. Did you skip your meds again? I don't know what your point is. What does the fact that all kinds of directors are allowed to direct movies about white male protagonists have to do with the fact that there are all female, black, or Asian shortlists for the other movies? Absolutely nothing. You are complaining because my title was not specific enough. A title it not supposed to contain detailed information....seriouyl, wtf? What does the rest of your post have to do with anything? You are desperately trying to be more and more imbecilic to deflect from your lazy reading skills it seems. Your last reply demonstrated that you were only reading the title of this thread, and didn't actually read my post. I called you out on your bullshit, get over it. In which country? The US? Because US racial politics is all that matters right? You bigoted American fuck. <blockquote>You're confusing terms. Bigotry, prejudice and racism have different definitions. </blockquote> You are both wrong. Racism actually means not liking pineapple on pizza. Because I said so. Because we can just pull shit out of our arses and make up our own definitions for words now.