alienzen's Replies

it's actually getting made? I thought this would be quietly shelved. Guess they already shot it then. I am not going to see it, because I am a 40 year old white dude, and this movie was not made for me. The demographics from Thursday night were almost 2/3 male (63%), even with it having the lowest preview numbers of any MCU movie ever. What happened to all of the nerdy girls? Vanished apparently. I think the attitude was the the (mostly male) hardcore fans would turn up no matter what, and they could entice different demographics in addition. And it worked for a while. I mean Captain Marvel made a billion. Probably more due the the bandwagon effect though. Between Avengers and Averngers: Endgame there were suddenly loads of female comic book nerds. They are the same ones who will have jumped ship now the MCU is no longer fashionable. Wasn't MoonKnight only 6 episodes? And half of them were still filler. I don't care how many episodes there are, as long as they are not filler. They looked <i>better</i> in the treilers. This is the best trailer i have seen in a long time. There are some things that we have not seen before in any of the trailers. King Pin is clearly the Daredevil King Pin and not he Hawkweye one. The whole thihg has a Netflix vibe, not a Disney one. This is the first time they have gone with an adult rating. The one thing is, there was more King Pin in this trailer than Echo. I doubt that will be the case in the series. We hardly saw any of Echo in the trailer, and most of it was her as a kid. I still don't have any faith that the actress can carry the lead of a series. This actually looks.....good? It depends on how good the movie is at the end of the day. Thor 4, Black Panther 2, and Ant-man 3 all made less then their predecessors. Other than Spider-man, only Doctor Strange 2 made more than the previous movie, probably on the back of Spider-man 3nbeing a huge hit and Doctor Strange being such a pivotal character in Infiinity War. If it's bad, it could make Ant-man numbers. If it's good, probably Black Panther numbers. How was her absence conspicuous? Did you not see endgame? Black Panther 3 : Girls get it done. technically yes, but in practice it means black. Because most non-white Americans are black, and people who push woke shit are mostly rich white ignorant American fucks. This is why for example Rings of Power has lots of black actors in it, to "look like the world WE live in today", despite the fact that there are far more South Asians than black people in modern day England. I am using "diverse" in the newspeak meaning of the word. ie. Black. The box office is back to normal. There just aren't enough good films that people want to see being released. No. 10 movie at the US box office is Elvis. That tells you all you need to know. Top gun and Spiderman made huge box office. If there are good movies then people will go. In the entire history of tne MCU, the only sequel to ever make less than its predecssor is Age of Ultron. The MCU is about to have 2 in a row, Like I said, there will be a delayed effect. Fans are going to start checking out. People are still going to see Marvel movies out of habit. Jealous? What? Remember whan The Last Jedi made 1.3B and people were saying it was still a good box office, even though the writing was on the wall? There is always a delayed effect as fans are first in denial and want to cling to the franchise they love, until they move on to the acceptance stage and just stop turning up. I predict The Marvels will be the first hard flop. Why has Doom not already shown up when we are getting Secret Wars in 2025? None of this shit makes any sense. And where are the X-men....X-people? Latin-X people? Fuck this shit. People are giving Cooglar credit for making a movie that was not that bad in the cicrumstances. But HE was the one who was against recasting. He is responsible totally for how bad the movie is. "at this point I pretty much have given up on the MCU" Same. I don't get the hate for Hawkeye though, I love that series. Werewolf by Night was also really good, but it is a drop in the ocean at this point. I haven't even seen Thor Love and Thunder, I started watching it online for free, but got bored 20 minutes or so in. Doubt I will bother to see Black Panther either. The only MCU movie I have seen at the Cinema since phase 3 is Spiderman: No Way Home. I used to see every MCU movie on the opening night and book my tickets weeks in advance. I remember back when Infinity War came out, the MCU was like a bastion from all of the woke crap we were getting in Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Star Trek and so on. I thought Feige was a genius and wouldn't fall for that nonsense, and would steeer clear of what was going on in the comics. Maaaaan was i wrong. They keep doubling and quardupling down. Fuck this shit, I am out. Good luck Marvel....