MillerJones's Replies

You are making up nonsense to try make out your points are valid. It's in the movie you can not enter via ship they get destroyed Soren even states he tried every method for the many years he had been alive and the final way he finally got into it was the only way. People rescued or died is meaningless that as well is iffy how the transport was able to grab some of them that was old days transporters as well. You can't defend the ship being beaten the way it was it's stupid Geordi comes back is in sickbay and they dont check his visor what a load of tosh and next yes a ship which should not be a threat penetrates shield yet they dont change modulation come on this is things which was done in tv series. As I said before they should have done it excluding geordi when they decloak they with first shots hit vital systems that would make more sense they didn't. You missed point tht data could change modulation as well again shown in the tv show and he does it in the film which follow this against borg. Just tell it as it is they want the tv ship destroyed so they made up a silly story to do so. yes the timeline argument which you could say by him going back to that time he should have encountered himself. its just poorly written movie which did have potential. Did you never watch the tv series you do know those klingons was in it right somethign else they sort of ignored in the movie that picard and ent had running ins with them in past Yes I know nothing about nutrition I suppose the over 3 decades I spent in a lab conducting research to do with human diseases and being a senior lecture for another decade about nutrition means i'm clueless on the subject. Yes some store purchased burgers can be full of rubbish but most proper burgers will be mince meat that is it with some salt and some pepper which is healthy. You have just shown you know nothing about this subject or even basic science any person that mentions calories straight away has no credibility (a unit of heat when do we consume heat we don't we consume mass CICO is made up nonsense for uneducated people like yourself) Wouldnt work today. Complete nonsense. Most of these people are using this to try gain following and the way to do it is off TC name. If he had IQ that low we would not be able to do what he has done for multi decades. He is an Elite Hollywood star so yes in a lot of ways I expect he is in a bubble world and I expect he is a person who is demanding from what I have seen many driven people are. If TC was to step up to a lot of men he would end up in hospital this is just silly. You cant just record people and every one has right to lose temper it ws show he did it during covid for valid reasons. church of scientology is a cult they use typical tactics to separate people who are not in it this is nothing new. Those people claiming he is like a child are acting just like it themselves. Women are suppose to have body fat it's natural. You need to get out into the real world stop looking at magazines and internet models etc. If you eat just cheese and burgers you would not become fat maybe learn something about nutrition as well when you go into real world. Most Americans are obese because of eating processed garbage and high amount of seed oils plus carbs The writing has been bad since after Season 1. This is a dull teen drama. No it wasn't it was hard for me to watch all the episodes its all over the place and really very poorly written. My father couldnt even sit through it and he is a fan of all the novels. Just go and watch Botsch it puts this to shame and that is loosely based on source material showing that is not the issue. It's a dumb teen version of X-fIles. Walter character is great but the other characters are nothing special and on the show they get even the basic science at times wrong. Show dragged on way too long. You are not correcting the errors which have been pointed out so not sure why you are quoting. For me re watching it he was acting like his brother lore at times which makes sense. No I would say the best generations film is First Contact & Nemesis after. It did well at box office because it was hot straight after the end of tv show. Nexus really doesn't make any sense neither does the poor story for the movie. The movie started well with Ent-B but started to go silly when they was able to transport some of the people out that is when it started to make 0 sense on wards. Easily explained ok if you say so many which cant be. Explain how its claimed you cant get into Nexus via a ship because they get damaged/destroyed yet Kirk gets into it that way, Explain how Klingons penetrate Ent-D shield dont target something important so ships fine but they dont change shield frequencies something they had to do for the Borg on regular basis so they allow themselfs to be hit multi times again when you look at locations none of them are major systems (Later on klingons are going to target bridge before they are hacked and destroyed) Many others as well It sums up what is wrong with the film. When it comes to sci fi you do have to be open to things not always making sense but as pointed out it's just poor writing. It's a different time line anyway other wise you could say by him going back to the point he did his other self should be in that location at the same time. We dont know kirks body was buried it could have been a monument You are not talking about anything with sense. Again you keep repeating BS claiming all women are equal. You do not even understand how the system works and how biased it is. Very few women even attempt to try for it what really is the appeal over taking other military roles none really. SEALS is military you do not even understand this. another ignore button pressed too many of you idiots on this place who have never left your mums basement. no point trying to have a discussions with idiots like yourself and others. you do not have the intellect & repeat same old BS mostly to just argue with people about subject you are clueless about. I cant comment again your another on ignore list now You really are dumb troll on ignore button pressed. You are repeating the same dumb things. Playing a sport is nothing like serving in the military. You sound like a troll so run along maybe on day you will gain some knowledge or experience and it will pop into your head how stupid you was. Agree she has had work done. She was a smoker before she had her child & still is. It's an awful movie surprised it scored around a 5. Depends on the person. You could say the same for many men. its not only about physical side but mental and intelligence. I just stated a fact Trump is a racist and not sure why you are even mentioning Biden he is not in the running so what does it matter. You are just another uneducated american i bet you have never left the country. How about you come back when you have a basic education you do not even understand what communist is. You are supporting a person who is a racist and is chummy with Russia & praises North Korea. I don't like either candidate and glad I got out of that country. Incorrect it is more popular now then it ever has been and is making a lot more money. I suggest you do your home work and look at figures there is a reason why the company had a value of around 9 billion and 51% was sold to tko group for close to 4 billion. WWE when it went public was worth around 150 million just after the era you mention.