MillerJones's Replies

You clearly do not understand the mind. OK lets lay it out simple you are having a nightmare and then you wake up well most people will have a physical reaction it may only be mild as in heart rate increase and sweating but that is a physical reaction to something in your mind so the whole not dangerous is bogus (this does not even include people that sleep walk or have other health issues) Because some one is young doesn't mean they are in perfect health. I have not read the script for the version you say so if you could post it up that would help otherwise you may just be recycling what others are saying and missing a lot out making it not just a simple nightmare Not really had it been mostly white i would understand it but it just being dark was done due to budget I bet plus it allows them to control what you see creating suspense. Correct they wanted almost the same amount the whole movies budget was for less then 1 min feature of pinhead. pinhead was also suppose to be to do with them both going to hell. None of the other match ups would of been any good and in lot of ways we are lucky it was the proper freddy we got just think how awful it would of been had it been the remake version. That is much better story. Why wouldn't she be in danger? the mind can be very dangerous and because something is in your mind doesn't make it not real also it would of left it open for sequel which could of gone in many directions. Freddy vs Jason vs Ash is what it should of been but due to issues they couldn't do it blame Sam Raimi for that. Freddy did live of fear not sure thread creator understood the original film. This is a stand alone as well so it has nothing to do with all the other films it's in it's own universe as such. Wrong TNG didn't fail as much as you are making out it's just these studios have unrealistic targets a movie cost 10m yet they expect 60-80m back and can be way to involved with creative control destroying what the writer/director wanted I think you need to go educate yourself on the truth this has nothing to do with original people it's licensed out with clear terms that it can not be the same which is why it's not canon and they used the whole alternative timeline to try trick people this has nothing to do with original content. Money wise they are doing poor they can't even get deals for merchandise. How does a show like this get 3 seasons yet look at many other shows that was shaping up to be good even have following to this day yet they get cancelled before even finishing showing first season. This is why I don't bother with American tv shows. Isn't Cersei carrying Jaimes child? So I can't see him killing her. I don't see the book series ever ending. Which is not always a bad thing it leaves it open to your own imagination. Stupid advise you need to watch it otherwise how else can you find out if you either like it or dislike it. It was lazy writing all around and the whole battle was so dumb the tactics or lack of made no sense at all. (John and others already knew how Walkers are made even how they fight) The clear ones was why wouldn't you have multi trenches just like they did in world wars and you fall back also use fire to cover retreat then you have two dragons yet they didn't do much the whole area could of been lit up by them yet they allow the walkers to stand around for ages. What can I say about how they was defeated again stupid a better surprise would of been Bran standing up stabbing him which sort of freezes him then some oen else either stabs him through eye or beheads him or even have it that Theon stabs him in back weakening him (Theons death was so pointless)