MoviesSuck's Replies

How dare you. BR49 is a goddamn masterpiece. Chinatown is definitely a 10. And don’t even get me started on your username. You are a man with exquisite taste! First off, nobody cares that you’re an Oscar blogger. Starting off a post like that just makes the vast majority of us roll our eyes. What does it even mean? You write stuff on your Tumblr about the Academy Awards? Thrilling. Second, I agree with you. I’ve never understood Johannson’s appeal, and all of the things that I find off-putting about her are on full display here. Also, as far as story goes, the movie starts out promising by making her seem like a charming, selfless, loving human being. Within minutes, though, the rug is pulled out from under us, and instead we’re left with a character who strikes the audience as little more than a bitter, spoiled bitch. Yes, I know. Hence why I ended it with the finality of “That is all. Good day.” It was meant to be sarcastic. A joke. Take a deep breath and relax. Nobody cares what Abigail Disney thinks, so why are people allowing themselves to get upset? Just ignore the bitch. Maybe he’s somewhat soft to the touch, and only appears solid. I don’t think we ever hear a clanking metallic sound when he falls down. You should probably see more films, Chris. Ones outside of the genre you feel most comfortable in. No, I’d say most movies are a 6/10. Here’s a quick breakdown so that you’ll understand where I’m coming from: 10/10 - “2001: A Space Oddysey” and “Apocalypse Now” and “There Will Be Blood” and “Come and See” 9/10 - ”The Good, The Bad and the Ugly” and “Taxi Driver” and “Blade Runner 2049” 8/10 - “The Deer Hunter” and “The Conformist” 7/10 - “The Man From Earth” and “True Romance” 6/10 - “The Godfather Part III” and “Falling Down” 5/10 - “Live and Let Die” and “Revolver” 4/10 - “Fences” and “Joker” 3/10 - “Cloud Atlas” and “X-Men: First Class” 2/10 - “Burlesque” and “Terminator: Genisys” 1/10 - “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” and “The Blind Side” That is all. Good day. I hate superhero movies. Including Batman. I was simply told to expect a great film with Joker, only to find that it’s a pretentious, unfocused mess. This film is fucking awful. Just rewatch parts one and two. Speaking of PETA, should check out Tarkovsky’s “Andrei Rublev”. I’ll never watch it again. Completely forgettable. I dug The Lighthouse. Joker was pretty lame, though. Yes. “Lorenzo’s Oil 2: Oilier” Was that a question? Seems unlikely. I doubt that this is true. Okay. On my way. I love getting a nude pic from a chick I’m about to meet up with, only to save it to my photos album and see that it’s dated months ago. I mean, I’ll still bang her, but one has to wonder how many other men/women have seen the same pic long before she even knew I existed. Okay, I’ll drop by his house and ask him now.