MovieChat Forums > MoviesSuck > Replies
MoviesSuck's Replies
Nah, man. Tom and Lawrence know their stuff. They even used to watch that show “Movie Magic”. Remember that? From the mid 90’s?
No accounting for bad spelling/grammar.
Tom and Lawrence love movies. Those guys have probably seen like 200 of them.
Tom and Lawrence.
You mean “to”.
According to Tom and Lawrence.
I think he’s more a provocateur than anything. The man loves to rile people up.
The Prestige was good, but yes...all of those others sucked. The man hasn't made a decent film since The Dark Knight, and even that one is flawed beyond all reason. Give me Following, Memento, and Insomnia any day.
Better off just to watch Lorenzo’s Oil for the 600th time.
Thank you for sharing. We’ve all been very concerned with your sleep.
You’ve just described the bedrock of literature, film, painting, sculpture, and all Christian-based moral thought for the past 2,000 years. Yet where you draw the line is discussing good vs. evil on a movie website.
Perfectly said.
Women like men who are clear about what they want. Being honest and forthright doesn’t make you Harvey Weinstein. You’re likely missing out on a lot of consensual sex with an attitude like the one you just described.
People open to debating difficult topics, that’s who. Congratulations on contributing absolutely nothing with your cowardly, smartass remark.
I agree 100%. If women hadn’t traded sex for roles for the entire history of Hollywood, Weinstein never would have thought he could get away with it. No one had a gun to any of these actresses heads, and yet here they are...angelic victims.
Most things wouldn’t.
You can buy a generic version on eBay now.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Enjoy. Also, you definitely don’t want to watch The Brown Bunny with any family around, especially kids and grandmas. Just a warning.
Definitely The Brown Bunny, followed by Tetro.