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ATG6's Replies

Bronn will get through the lines at Winterfell and kill Tyrion, then get into a swordfight with Jaime, before realizing he is needed to help defeat the zombies, when he will join Jaime in stopping them. Why is he laughing then? Because there is something you do not know -- he was born left-handed! I broke my right elbow in college. Got pretty good with my left hand at ping-pong and basketball while it healed. Helped me a lot to have a good left hand in hoops afterward. But at best I was about 75% a good as with my natural hand. Why? She's got the self-entitled pouty millennial wanna-rule-the-world vibe down pat. And she was the most beautiful woman in Westeros (at least until Sansa grew up)/ Brienne will be glad she didn't kill Stannis Baratheon when he rides to the rescue next week. the two living dragons basically breathe napalm, fortunately yeah, fighting at Winterfell is stupid. dig a big trench with obsidian spears at the bottom. put Daryl on a motorbike and lead the zombies into it as he jumps the trench. Cersei's gonna win the game..... you don't expect a happy, heroic ending after all this, do you? The scene where the daughter makes them turn their backs so she can make the creepy old man voice. Patrick Wilson auditioning for an Elvis movie? Even, better, just say Discovery was destroyed going through the wormhole, and focus Season 3 on the Enterprise, with Capt. Pike, Lt. Spock and Number One. That would be a much better show. There must have been a year or two worth of cool missions they could run before Pike has his meltdown and Kirk takes over command. I just have to laugh whenever they show giant spaceships with incredible speed and armaments parking like 500 meters apart to fight, instead of several million kilometers while maneuvering quickly. And how does the bridge start showing damage and people dying on various decks when shields are still at 40 percent or so? And since when are photon torpedoes the size of a battleship? They've always been just larger than a human (see Search for Spock, Wrath of Khan, etc.) talk about a show that's boring. I guess it's not as messy as STD. I was sort of hoping Burnham and Discovery would disappear into the wormhole, and next season would focus on Pike, Spock, the Numero Uno lady and the Enterprise. Now THAT would be a great show! The 80's rocked. I was there. So, pretty much like every other movie or TV show with high schoolers then? Very funny, really. A little absurd, but they played it straight and didn't mail it in. It'll be fine. I just hope they don't cop out and give it a heroic, mostly happy ending. A fitting end would be Cersei crushing everyone and winning. Or my hope, Stannis riding in to mop things up and claim the throne. You know he's not dead. Sansa seems like the only one with any brains, or at least thinking with one. And so much for Danerys being the most beautiful woman on Earth. He kind of shook off the news about his father. Not his brother though.